All causes are behind the size of a baby's small head circumference

All causes are behind the size of a baby's small head circumference

Measurement of the baby's head circumference is one important step to monitor the growth and development of the baby, especially to monitor brain growth. Measurements are made by wrapping a measuring tape from the top of the eyebrows, beyond the top of the ear, to the head protruding behind. The results are then plotted in a growth chart according to the age and sex of the baby.
Measurements were carried out until the age of two years.

If it turns out the plot results show that the baby's head circumference are two standard deviations below or below the 3rd percentile, the size of the baby's head circumference is relatively small. Microcephaly generally refers to conditions where the circumference of the head is smaller than the child's head. Microcephaly, or in English known as microcephaly, literally means a small head.

Head circumference represents brain volume, so in microcephaly it can be said that brain volume is also below average. Even in this case, this condition does not always have an impact on the level of intelligence of children. Little babies also have normal intelligence.

The size of a baby's small head circumference can be detected in the uterus via ultrasound at around 28 weeks' gestation or the third trimester. With ultrasound, the baby's head circumference can be measured and compared with reference values ​​according to age.

Head circumference measurement after the birth of the baby is done after the first 24 hours of birth, then periodically followed by a baby examination every month for the first two years. Existing data will be plotted in a growth chart, and then see how it increases, whether it is consistent with the curve or not.

If an examination can detect small round heads, then head circumference measurements must be carried out with greater precision and routine. If necessary, the doctor can do additional tests, such as an MRI, CT scan or blood test, to assess the severity of the disease and possible causes.

Causes small head circumference
A baby's head circumference can be caused by many factors, such as genetic abnormalities, complications of pregnancy and childbirth, or exposure to viruses and poisons when the baby is in the womb. .

1. Genetic disorders

Genetic disorders that cause microcephaly or small head circumference, including:

  • Down syndrome, which is caused by an abnormality of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Apart from a small head, Down syndrome is also characterized by a delay in cognitive development, intellectual disability, muscle weakness and a characteristic face (Mongoloid face).
  • Winning Cat Syndrome. As the name suggests, the typical symptom of this syndrome is a baby's cry, like a cat's voice.

2. Viral infections, exposure to poisons and drugs
Viral infections, exposure to poisons and drugs also affect the appearance of small round heads. Here are the reasons:

  • Zika virus. After the Zika outbreak in Brazil in 2015, it was found that babies of pregnant women infected with Zika had a small head size. Infection in pregnant women can be transmitted to babies and cause serious birth defects.
  • Mercury poisoning. Exposure of pregnant women to mercury through contaminated water, meat, or fish can damage the baby's brain.
  • Innate rubella. Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause microcephaly.
  • Toxoplasma infection. Toxoplasma can be found in cat feces and raw meat. Exposure to rubbish and consumption of undercooked meat during pregnancy can cause microcephaly.

3. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth complications that disrupt blood flow in the baby's brain can cause microcephaly, such as maternal malnutrition, prolonged labor, or bleeding.

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