Avoid skin that is too dry and irritated because of eczema. More than torture

Avoid skin that is too dry and irritated because of eczema. More than torture

Dry and itchy skin can be overcome by applying a skin moisturizer. But if, besides drying out and itching, your skin is reddish, scaly and even cracks appear deep enough to hurt you, you may be exposed to eczema.

Skin disease due to eczema is not limited to dry and irritated skin. Symptoms can vary from one patient to another.

In addition, it is not enough to overcome it by only using a moisturizer. Several steps are needed to reduce symptoms.

Symptoms of atopic eczema that can strike you
Atopic eczema is a type of skin inflammation with the first symptoms of dry and irritated skin. In addition, reddish spots will appear in certain areas of the skin.

Dry, scaly, and irritated skin that is constantly being scratched turns into bleeding sores and risks infection. In cases of severe eczema, painful cracks can also appear on the skin or vesicles filled with fluid that undergoes ulceration afterwards.
Get to know the triggers for eczema attacks

Eczema has several types, but the most common is atopic eczema. The cause of this skin condition is not known with certainty, but it is thought there is a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

The skin condition, also known as atopic dermatitis, is not an allergic reaction, even though its onset is triggered by certain substances.

The symptoms of eczema can be treated, but this skin disease cannot be completely cured. Eczema can appear and disappear and move in various areas of the skin.

The appearance of eczema must be observed to estimate the trigger. Symptoms can occur due to:

The use of soap with certain chemical contents.
The use of clothing is made from certain materials.
  • Hot to sweat a lot.


By finding the trigger, eczema attacks can be avoided. This is the best way to overcome them.
How to avoid the triggers of dry and itchy skin due to eczema

It's not always easy to find what triggers an eczema attack. But try to remember when the eczema appeared and the activity you just did before the attack. Here is an example:

  • Do you use a new type, a new brand, or a new fragrance?
  • Have you changed the brand of detergent that you use?
  • Do you wear virgin wool sweaters?
  • Are you active in hot and dusty places?

If you already have an estimate of trigger factors, controlling these factors may be important, at least to reduce the attack of dry and irritated skin due to eczema. Therefore, pay attention to the following things to prevent eczema attacks:

  • Avoid wool clothing. The reason is that this material is often classified as a trigger for eczema attacks. Whenever possible, wear sweaty and absorbent clothing like cotton.
  • Stay away from the use of soaps and detergents that contain chemicals that can irritate the skin.
  • Avoid soap, shampoo, perfume, powder, makeup, lotions with high perfume content.
  • Limit the frequency of bathing with hot water, because this can cause dry skin.

As a chronic disease, atopic eczema can always reproduce at any time. Therefore, the goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms when recurrence.
Do this if the symptoms of eczema attack you

When you experience a recurrence, try not to scratch the eczema itchy skin. You can also wear gloves while you sleep so you don't scratch without your knowledge. Scratching can worsen inflammation of the skin and cause injury or infection.

If the skin is dry and irritated, and eczema is not too severe, you can do treatment at home by applying a moisturizer to inflamed skin. When choosing a moisturizer in the form of a cream or lotion, make sure that the product chosen does not contain ingredients that trigger eczema.

Maybe it's natural oil Safer chosen as a moisturizer because it does not contain fragrances that often trigger eczema as well. Some suitable oils include virgin coconut oil and sunflower oil.

If itching and eczema symptoms are very disturbing, you can take antihistamines or apply a low-dose corticosteroid ointment, over-the-counter, to get rid of itching and inflammation.

If this method does not work, consult a dermatologist. With this, you will get prescription drugs that are strong enough to reduce your symptoms.

Overcoming dry and irritated skin can frustrate patients. Good collaboration with doctors is needed to be able to find the right triggers for eczema attacks, to control symptoms and attacks, and to find combinations of treatments that are tailored to the condition and quality of the skin. patient's life.

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