Some Possibilities of 'Guests' Who Lurk You, as the Meaning of Ringing Ears

Some Possibilities of 'Guests' Who Lurk You, as the Meaning of Ringing Ears
Buzzing ears are often associated with myths. For example, you may have heard the meaning of ringing in your ears as a sign of visiting your home. This is not entirely wrong, because ringing in the ears can be a sign of various "guests" that inhibit pseudonym disease, such as the growth of acoustic neuroma tumors.

In the medical world, ear ringing is called a tinnitus condition, which is defined as the perception of the sound you hear in the ear pavilion. The types of sounds that you can hear vary, such as hissing, chirping, buzzing, whistling, and other sounds. Ringing in the ear can affect anyone, but older people often have experience.
Acoustic neuroma, meaning for the ring on the ear

Acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor, which can mean ringing in the ear. This tumor develops in the nerves that connect the brain and the inner ear, called the auditory and balance nerves (vestibulokoklear nerve). Although it is mild, acoustic neuroma can still cause complications if it is not managed properly.

Genetic dysfunction on chromosome 22 is believed to be the cause of acoustic neuroma. Under normal circumstances, this gene produces a protein that inhibits the growth of Schwann cells, which cover nerves.

In addition to buzzing ears, there are other signs that become symptoms of acoustic neuroma. These symptoms include hearing loss, a feeling of rotation or dizziness, or facial numbness.
Other diseases that can also be ringing in the ear

Not just acoustic neuroma, which is the meaning of ringing in the ear. Here are some health problems and other diseases that can also cause ringing in the ears.

  • Fluid accumulation in the ear (Ménière's disease)

This medical condition occurs when there is accumulation of fluid in the inner ear (labyrinth). This disorder can cause choking sensation in the ear, excessive dizziness, feelings of rotation or vertigo, decreased hearing ability and, of course, ringing in the ear.

The cause of Meniere's disease is still uncertain. But experts believe that this disease is caused by changes in fluid in the inner ear, allergies, genetic factors or autoimmune diseases. People between the ages of 40 and 50 most often suffer from this disease.

  • Hearing loss due to aging (presbycusis)

Presbycusis is a common ear disorder in the elderly. This condition is a gradual loss of the ability to hear as we age. This hearing loss can affect both ears and usually occurs slowly.

Age is indeed a major risk factor. In addition, a number of other risk factors, such as smoking, repeated exposure to noise, heredity, and other diseases such as diabetes, can affect.

  • Abnormal bone growth in the ear (otosclerosis)

This condition occurs when the ear bones grow long and form sponges abnormally. This growth prevents the bones of the ear from vibrating and reacting to sound waves. As a result, people with otosclerosis experience hearing loss.

This affection is often felt by young adults and tends to attack more women than men. In addition, osteklerosis is more common in white people than in other races.

  • Inflammation of the inner ear (labyrinthitis)

In this condition, the inner ear called the maze lights up. Labyrinthitis can cause symptoms such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of balance, and ringing in the ears.

The cause of the labyrinth is not known with certainty. Factors that can help ignite the labyrinth are allergies, viral infections, bacterial infections, tumor growth in the middle ear or physical conditions such as flu.

Some other causes and medical conditions, such as loud noise and excessive accumulation of earwax, can also mean ringing in the ear. It can also be caused by various other diseases, such as high blood pressure, fibromyalgia syndrome, or neck and head injuries.

Don't believe the myth quickly, if the ears keep ringing. This condition can be a sign of disturbance in the ear and other body organs. So, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible, to find out what it means to call the ear.

To determine the meaning of the ringtone in your ear, your doctor can perform several types of tests. For example, ear-moving tests, imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as well as hearing or audiology tests, use headphones.

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