Bugs recognize and eliminate homes

Bugs recognize and eliminate homes

Bedbugs have a small brown body and live to suck the blood of animals or humans. Adult lice have a flat body shape, the size of an apple seed. After eating food, body lice usually turn red.

Bedbugs cannot fly, but they move very fast, either on the floor or on the walls of a house. female lice can lay up to hundreds of items, with the smallest size of dust.

Where are the bed bugs hiding?
A chip can easily enter the house through items with you, such as clothes. a flat body allows fleas to land in different locations with limited space. Bedbugs are not hives like ants or bees. They just live together in hordes in a hidden place.

Over time, bedbugs can spread to the bedroom through gaps in the door, and protected areas. If you find bed bugs at home, it is a sign that the place where you live is not paying attention or is dirty.

When do bed bugs bite?

This animal is active at night. They usually bite humans while sleeping. The way they eat is to penetrate the skin and suck blood with the long beak they have. A bedbug usually spends three to ten minutes sucking human blood.

A tick bite is usually felt at first, but you will start to feel itchy like a mosquito bite. Many people do not realize that they have been bitten by bed bugs and their bites are considered normal mosquito bites. The only way that you realize that it is a flea bite is to find themselves ticks.

You can determine the presence of bed bugs in the bedroom or other room in the house to find out the following:

  • There are blood stains on the pillow, blanket or sheet you are using.
  • The presence of black or dirty spots on the bed linen, walls, or hedging your room.
  • The presence of traces of stains or eggshells where bed bugs hide.
  • characteristic odor of insects.

If you know the four signs above, then immediately unpack your bed and watch on each side which can cache chips. Also check around shelves, telephones, carpets, or other places.
Get rid of bed bugs

If you have flea bites, then immediately do some of these things as a way to get rid of bed bugs

  1. Clean bed linen and clothes with hot water and dried with a high speed washer dryer.
  2. Use a brush to clean the mattress and get rid of bed bugs and their eggs before being sucked by a vacuum cleaner.
  3. empty the bed and a narrow section, then immediately remove dirt from the house.
  4. Cover the cracks found in the walls of your home with a meeting.
  5. Don't let your mattress fall apart.

Always keeping the house has become one of the things you can do to protect you from the appearance of bedbugs.

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