5 common factors cause dry skin

5 common factors cause dry skin

Dry skin is known by the people of Indonesia. The tropical climate as one of the main factors responsible. Having dry skin can cause discomfort. Itching and peeling after scratching is certainly not wanted by anyone.

You can experience when you finish bathing or swimming. the skin will feel tight and stretched. Not only that, the skin can be red with lines. At least, there are five common factors that cause dry skin. All?

1. Age factor

Dry skin can occur when you are young. When you are 50 years or older, chances are dry skin will. Indeed, the glands that produce skin oil are less as we age. In the case of diabetes and kidney disease that attacks adults, it is usually found on dry itchy skin and sores may not be healed.
skin inflammation

 2. Factors

Skin inflammation or eczema is a skin disease caused by allergies. Dry and itchy skin are the main symptoms of eczema. Inflammation of the skin rash is usually on the elbows, behind the knees, face, hands, feet and even. If you have inflammation of the skin, so try to use a moisturizer like lotion for dry skin to not get worse.

3. Employment Factors
If you work directly in contact with chemicals or extreme temperatures, then you will be more susceptible to dry skin. Jobs that can cause dry skin include, among others, food service selling areas, health, hygiene, mechanics, construction and art, such as painters. If you accept one of these professions, and then use some protection for skin health and see a dermatologist if you find a problem.
4. Water Factor

Bath for too long in water can make your skin dry. Hot water also worsens your skin. While swimming pools with a lot of chlorine content are avoided because they are not good for skin health. Therefore, it is important to maintain the temperature of the water to maintain a normal shower and shorter time. In addition to health services, of course, you can save money and protect the environment by saving water.
5. Smoking Factor

One side effect of smoking is dry skin. Not only that, the skin can quickly wrinkle and blood circulation in the body will be affected if you smoke frequently.

The five factors that cause dry skin. Hopefully, the explanation above, you will begin to see again the causative factors to avoid the problem of dry skin.

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