Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut dan Penyebabnya

Cara Menghilangkan Bau Mulut dan Penyebabnya
Bad breath, or what is known to be medical halitosis, can be caused by poor dental health care habits. Not only that, bad breath can also be a sign of health problems.

Bad breath is sometimes exacerbated by new types of food consumed, smoking and other unhealthy lifestyles. When you talk or deal with customers at work and my closest friends, bad breath significantly reduces the level of trust.
Causes of bad breath

As briefly mentioned above, bad breath can be caused by poor oral and dental health, illness or an unhealthy lifestyle. Here are some causes of bad breath.
1. Strong Delicious food

Eating foods like jengkol, petai, or garlic can cause bad breath. Food is delicious mouth odor cannot be removed by simple brushing. Sometimes you have to use mouthwash to cover up the unpleasant odor of bad breath.
2. Bad habits

If you are often lazy to brush your teeth or use dental floss, small food particles are trapped between fixed teeth in your mouth. Finally, these leftovers will encourage bacterial growth between the teeth, around the gums and tongue. This is what ultimately leads to bad breath. You can use an antibacterial mouthwash to reduce the growth of oral bacteria.

Not only that, for those who use dentures, you should always take care of dentures properly hygiene to prevent bacteria and bad breath. Smoking or chewing basic tobacco is also another factor that can cause bad breath.
3. Health Problems

often have bad breath or discomfort in the mouth? This can be a warning sign of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by plaque accumulation in the teeth. Bacteria can cause the formation of poisons that irritate gums. If gum disease is not treated properly, it can damage the gums and jaw. Also, bad breath can also be caused due to dental caries or tooth decay.

Other conditions that cause bad breath are dry mouth or xerostomia. This usually occurs due to decreased saliva production which increases acidity and bacteria or dead cells that accumulate on the tongue, gums and inner cheeks. As a result, these decaying cells cause bad breath. Dry mouth condition is also a side effect of medication.

Other health problems that can cause bad breath, include: pneumonia, bronchitis, chronic sinus infections, diabetes, liver or kidney problems, and more.
How to get rid of bad breath

In order not to disturb the appearance of bad breath or trust, the doctor immediately to get the best treatment. In addition, you can follow the following bad breath elimination route:
1. Implement good oral hygiene

Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove food debris and plaque. In addition to teeth, tongue and cleaner also use wire or antibacterial mouthwash twice a day.
2. See the dentist regularly

Visit the dentist at least twice a year. The dentist will examine the mouth and teeth and remove plaque or tartar which bad breath can be avoided.
3. Stop Smoking

By stopping smoking, your mouth odor will be greatly reduced. Quitting smoking also makes your mouth healthier and makes you various chronic mouth diseases, such as oral cancer.
4. Drink lots of water
Water will maintain mouth moisture and help clean the mouth of food particles or bacteria.
Another way to get rid of bad breath

Antiseptic mouthwash can help eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath. Ask your dentist which product is the best, or you can ask about other alternatives how to get rid of bad breath.

Don't let bad breath interfere with your activities and appearance in front of friends or family. Consult your bad breath problem with your dentist to overcome it.

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