Causes of skin disorders that may exist in you

Causes of skin disorders that may exist in you

Not everyone is born with the same skin color. Some people also have skin disorders in the form of a scratched skin. Striped skin can be classified into two conditions, namely hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is an area of ​​skin that is darker in color than the surrounding skin. As the name suggests, this condition is caused by the fact that the skin produces more melanin (the pigment that gives skin color).

Skin disorders are actually natural and can be felt by all skin types. But in some cases, hyperpigmentation may be another sign of disease in your body.

The main causes of this skin disorder include:

  • Exposure to sunlight. The longer you are exposed to the sun, the more melanin will be formed to protect the skin. This condition can cause dark spots, also called sunspots.
  • Inflammation of the skin. The skin can turn black if you have experienced inflammation, for example due to acne, eczema, lupus or sores. Hyperpigmentation is greater in dark-skinned people than in white people, although both suffer from inflammation.
  • Melasma, which is a black zone that occurs when you experience hormonal changes (such as during pregnancy).
  • Reactions to certain drugs, such as anti-malaria or anti-depressant drugs, can cause skin hyperpigmentation. In this case, skin spots turn gray.
  • More serious health conditions. Don't ignore the hyperpigmentation you have, because this can be a sign of certain diseases, such as Addison's disease and hemochromatosis.

What about hypopigmentation?

Unlike hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation is a skin disorder that causes certain areas of the skin to be lighter than the surrounding skin. This condition can occur only at a number of points or throughout the body.

Skin disorders can be caused by genetic factors or injuries that can occur at any time. The difference is that hypopigmentation due to genetic factors will spread throughout the body, whereas hypopigmentation due to injury only occurs at the site of injury.

Here are some health problems that usually cause hypopigmentation:

  • Albino. This skin disorder is easily recognized because the patient has no pigment. Victims have hair color, eyebrows, pale or white eyelashes. This condition is caused by genetic mutations from birth.
  • Vitiligo. About two percent of people in the world suffer from this skin disorder. Like albino, vitiligo makes the skin appear white or pale, but its appearance is in the form of spots and scratches throughout the body.
  • Pityriasis alba. This condition may be an old skin condition that you have suffered, such as eczema. Pityriasis alba will recover with increasing age.
  • Tinea versicolor, caused by abnormal growth of fungus on the skin.
  • Lichen sclerosus with symptoms of white spots that can enlarge, bleed and leave scars. Usually occurs in the genital area, but can also occur around the breasts, arms, and upper body.
  • Other causes, such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, healed warts, skin infections, psoriasis, and ordinary scars and burns.

Whatever the cause of your skin condition, the right diagnosis must be made through consultation and medical examination. Knowing the cause, treatment can be done carefully.

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