
Cavity is a condition where damaged teeth erode outside (e-mail) into the teeth (dentin) to form holes. Cavities are caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth, often eat sweet food, and oral hygiene is not maintained.

Cavities are a frequent disorder, both in adults and children. Therefore, dental examinations must be done regularly because cavities usually do not cause pain at first so it is difficult to detect. Pregnant women or children with cavities should immediately consult a doctor, because treatment and prevention may be different.

If cavities are not treated, the holes will be enlarged, and pose a risk of infection and tooth loss.

symptoms of cavities
Symptoms appear in each person differently, depending on the severity and location of holes in the teeth. When the hole is still small and newly formed, symptoms may not appear or not feel. However, when the condition worsens, symptoms will appear are:

  • Toothache, especially when biting or when teeth are pressed.
  • sensitive teeth.
  • Pain by eating sweet or hot food or drinks.
  • There are visible holes in the teeth.
  • Tooth pain occurs spontaneously without apparent cause.
  • There are teeth that are white, brown or black.

cavity causes

Cavity is usually preceded by the presence of plaque in the mouth. Plaque from leftovers that contain sugar, such as bread, cereal, milk, soft drinks, fruit, cakes or candy, which is then converted by natural bacteria in the mouth for acid. The combination of bacteria, acids, food remains in the mouth and saliva, as a plate attached to the teeth. The acid in the plate slowly erodes the tooth layer, to form a cavity.

In addition, cavities can also be triggered by other factors, such as:

  • Don't use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a compound that is generally contained in toothpaste, works for health care and prevents tooth decay.
  • Too much food or drinks that are sweet or sour.
  • dry mouth.
  • eating disorders (such as bulimia or anorexia) and acid reflux gastric disease.
  • Age.
  • Systematic use of drugs, supplements, vitamins or herbal products that contain sugar.
  • brush or clean teeth rarely.

diagnosis cavity

exams usually begin with question and answer, especially on symptoms experienced by the patient. The dentist will then examine the state of the mouth and teeth and then touch the teeth with a special tool to check the software area due to tooth decay.

Dental x-rays can also be used to check the condition of the teeth. X-rays can show damage that occurs in the teeth, even though the damage is not visible to the eye.


Treatment cavity may vary depending on the severity of the condition experienced by each patient. Some medical procedures that can be performed to treat cavities include:

  • Fill. Fillings or fillings are the most common procedure for cavities. In this process, the doctor will use a drill before removing the damaged tooth. Teeth that have been removed part of the destruction are then corrected with special materials such as composite resin, porcelain, gold and silver.
  • Crown crowns or dental devices usually have to deal with more serious damage or in patients who have weak state teeth. A ring is a dental prosthesis that improves the action of a ring on a damaged tooth. Most of the damaged teeth will be eroded, a small portion is left for the foundation of the crown of false teeth. As materials used for dental fillings, crowns, dentures can be gold, porcelain or composite resin.
  • canal root. canal or root canal treatment is usually done when the damage occurs has reached the inside of the tooth root or teeth. This action is to repair the damage without having to pull a tooth.
  • tooth extraction. This is usually done when the damage is severe and cannot be recovered. Dental dentures or dental implants are the solution to fill the tooth gap gently revoked.

Cavities cause pain, especially if the condition worsens. Some ways you can do to reduce pain are:

  • Clean the teeth to sensitive areas.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold.
  • Take painkillers, such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. However, the use of this drug must be based on a doctor's recommendation.

cavity prevention

Dental caries is a common disorder and can occur in anyone. Some things you can do to prevent cavities are:

  • brush your teeth twice a day with toothpaste containing fluoride.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Reducing your intake of sweet and sour foods and drinks, such as candy or soft drinks.
  • Reducing snacking habits.
  • If the cavity is caused by a medical condition such as acid reflux or dry mouth, consult a doctor about how to manage it.
  • Consult your doctor before using any medicine, supplements or herbs.

The following are recommended foods to consume to maintain healthy teeth:

  • Fruits ad vegetables high in fiber, such as apples, spinach and cucumbers.
  • Calcium-rich foods such as beans and cheese.
  • Low sugar gum containing xylitol.
  • green tea or black tena without sugar / sweetener.
  • Drinking water containing fluoride.

Perform routine checks to the dentist at least 2 times per year to be around dental health. This will facilitate treatment if there is dental disease and prevent further damage.

cavity complications

Some complications may arise due to cavities. these risks include:

  • Difficulty chewing food.
  • Dental abscesses can then trigger dangerous complications from diseases, such as sepsis.
  • Toothache that lasts continuously.
  • Tooth decay or date.

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