Dangers of hypothermia in babies with rain

Dangers of hypothermia in babies with rain

When it rains, the baby may get cold. This condition can cause hypothermia. Cold causes heat loss of up to 90%. Most of the heat dissipation occurs through the skin. In addition, body heat also comes out through breathing. Because of heat dissipation, body temperature will decrease.

Hypothermia occurs when body temperature is below 36.5 ° C. Low body temperature can be dangerous and cause death. Every time the body temperature drops by 1 ° C, oxygen demand increases by 10% to keep the body warm.

Symptoms that can occur when a baby experiences hypothermia, that is, look lethargic, difficult to eat, cry becomes weak. Baby's skin can also be pale and cold. In severe cases, babies may have difficulty breathing until they lose consciousness.

First Aid for Infants with Hypothermia Symptoms

If the baby is cold and has symptoms of hypothermia, try measuring body temperature. The most accurate temperature measurement can be done through the rectum. If you don't have an anal thermometer, you can use armpit temperature.

Warm up the baby by combining extra clothes, thick blankets, or use body heat with a hug. If this method cannot raise your baby's body temperature, get medical help immediately or go to the emergency department for immediate treatment. Early treatment will reduce the occurrence of serious complications.

Dangers of hypothermia in infants

Rain related hypothermia can increase the risk of infection, respiratory problems, and disorders of blood clotting in infants, and can cause death.

In cold weather, the body's blood vessels will shrink. This condition will affect the body's immune response. In this situation, the virus in the body will multiply and cause symptoms. Infants who are exclusively breastfed for 6 months and who are vaccinated have better immunity.

Hypothermia can cause changes in respiratory function. This is caused by changes in the body's metabolism to reduce oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide expenditure. In addition, the respiratory control mechanism has also changed.

Blood clotting disorders occur when hypothermia is felt quite severe. Body temperature below 35 ° C causes platelet dysfunction. Sometimes, there is also a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. When body temperature decreases, interference can occur in the formation of enzymes that play a role in the process of blood clotting.

Hypothermia that is not treated immediately can damage organs and cause death.

How to prevent hypothermia in your baby during the rainy season

1. keep the body warm

Babies get cold easily when it rains. Use clothes that cover the surface of the baby's body. They may wear long sleeves, pants, socks and gloves if necessary.

If there is a game between your pants and socks, you can cover it with a blanket. Another option is to wear clothes over the baby. Bring extra clothes if the baby rains.

When entering a room or vehicle such as a car, bus, or hot train, take off extra clothing. This prevents the baby from overheating.

2. Keep the baby out of the rain

When it rains suddenly, protect your baby with a cover on his stroller. If you have a baby, make sure the umbrella used can protect your entire body and prevent the baby from getting water.

3. Know the right time to take cover

If you hear lightning, that means you must immediately bring the baby to the room. Also avoid windy weather because it can cause cold weather in babies.

When it rains, don't run because you can hurt you and your baby. Slippery roads allow you to fall easily when it rains. Slowly enter the room, then immediately dry the wet body and replace it with a dry shirt.

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