Recognize Symptoms of Constipation in Infants and How to Overcome It

In the case of constipation, infants or children have difficulty doing their needs and feeling pain. Not only cause pain, constipation can also cause stress on sufferers. Recognize the symptoms of constipation in the following babies and how to overcome them. Because, constipation or constipation, children's health problems still occur frequently.

Symptoms of constipation in infants

Even though it is classified as safe, you must remain vigilant if your baby experiences constipation. Consider the following conditions to find symptoms of constipation in infants.

1. Infrequent bowel movements

The amount of stool your baby has every day fluctuates, especially when you give him new food. If your baby hasn't had one for a few days and stools become difficult, you may experience constipation.

2. Difficulty doing one's needs

If the baby is tense during bowel movements, it is a sign of constipation. Constipated babies often produce hard stools like clay and need energy to get rid of them.

3. Blood around elimination
If there is blood in your child's stool, it indicates that he really wants to do his needs. This drive causes injury to the rectal wall so that blood will come out with feces.

4. hard stomach

A hard stomach can be a sign of constipation. Bloating and pressure caused by constipation can make your child's stomach full and stiff

5. Refuse food

Your baby will quickly feel full because of constipation. He may also refuse to eat because of his discomfort.

How to treat constipation in babies

How do you treat constipation after experiencing signs of this disease in your baby? Here are some tips you can do, including:
1. Replacement of milk

In breastfeeding conditions, you must adjust your diet. Babies will feel sensitive to something you eat. This can make a baby experience constipation. Meanwhile, if you give formula milk, you can temporarily replace it with other milk until the constipation is gone. Your baby's sensitivity to certain ingredients can cause constipation.

2. Give solid food

Some solid foods make babies constipated. However, other people can solve this problem. If you are going to provide solid food recently, you can add:

- broccoli
- pear
- plum
- fishing
- Apples without skin

Instead of offering cereal or rice, offer cooked cereals, such as barley, oats and quinoa.

3. Puree food

Do you have babies over 6 months who have not moved to more solid food? Try some of the foods described in the second point in subtle form. Remember that fruits and vegetables contain lots of natural fiber, which is ideal for smoothing stool.
4. Inadequate water needs for babies

Good hydration is important for removing impurities from the body regularly. Water and milk are great for helping your baby become dehydrated. For babies over 6 months, pear juice can sometimes help speed up intestinal contractions.
5. Massage the baby's stomach

Massage your baby's lower abdomen to stimulate the intestines and prevent constipation. Massage throughout the day until your child defecates.

Constipation due to trauma

Did you know that rats can also be caused by a history of fecal trauma? For example, the toilet is dirty and makes children uncomfortable with their needs. As a result, children resist the urge to defecate. As a result, the stool hardens and triggers constipation.

Because it is important for you to examine the causes of constipation in children. So that this condition can be overcome immediately.

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