Definition of Urinary Tract Infections
From the kidneys, residual substances in the blood are filtered and excreted as urine. Then urine flows from the kidneys to the ureter, into the bladder. After lodging in the bladder, urine is removed from the body by the urethral passage until it enters the urinary tract.
Based on the infected part, UTI is divided into upper and lower UTI. Superior UTI is an infection that occurs in the upper part of the bladder, which is found in the kidneys and ureters. Whereas the lower UI is a lower bladder infection, namely the bladder and urethra.
The urinary tract infections described above are more dangerous and can trigger urosepsis, a disease caused by the spread of bacteria in an infected kidney to the blood. Urosepsis can cause a decrease in blood pressure or even death.
Symptoms and causes of urinary tract infections
The symptoms of urinary tract infections are very diverse, including:
- fever
- Abdominal and pelvic pain
- Pain when urinating
- Blood appears in the urine
The cause of urinary tract infections is the entry of bacteria into the urinary tract through the urinary opening. Although it can happen to anyone, but this disease is more often experienced by women.
Treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections must be treated immediately to prevent permanent kidney damage. The main treatment is to provide drugs that the type and dosage is adjusted to the patient's condition.
Urinary tract infections can be prevented in a number of ways, including:
- Increase drinking water consumption.
- Clean the vital organs before having sex.
- Use loose and cotton underwear.
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