Dispel Bad Mouth Odor

Bad breath is a common problem with many people of all ages. On the other hand, odor from the mouth can also be an indication of certain diseases.

Although it may seem simple, untreated bad breath can make people insecure. Often, this condition interferes with personal relationships. In addition, this condition seems to be stable in about a quarter of those who suffer.

Dispel Bad Mouth Odor
Cause of Odor Detection

unpleasant bad breath is usually caused by accumulation of bacteria on the teeth, gums and tongue. In general, this condition occurs when a decrease in saliva, which acts as a bacterial cleanser or lack of hygiene. This condition is called dry mouth or xerostomia. In addition, dry mouth can also be caused by breathing through the mouth not the nose. Smoking, diet and consumption of certain foods, drinks or medicines can also cause bad breath.

However, in certain circumstances, bad breath can occur due to more serious causes, such as:

  • Gastrointestinal (stomach and intestine): bad breath that can be caused by diseases associated with gastric and intestinal infections (gastrointestinal) as H. pylori (bacterial infection of the small intestine and stomach lining), as well as stomach acid or GERD disease where acid often stomach to the esophagus.
  • Gum problems: Bad mouth odor can also be caused by gum problems. Gum disease is caused by plaque accumulation in the teeth. Bacteria on the plate then cause toxins that cause inflammation of the gums, a condition that no treatment will affect the gingiva and jawbone.
  • Diseases affecting the salivary glands, such as Sjögren's syndrome or scleroderma. This disease also causes dry mouth.
  • Thrush mouth infections or sores after tooth extraction like.
  • chronic inflammation or inflammation of the sinuses, nose or throat.
  • cancer and metabolic disorders.

Consult a doctor if bad breath is accompanied by other symptoms that can refer to the above conditions.
Bad breath ward off

The good news is that bad breath can be anticipated and avoided in a simple way. Here are a few of them.

  • Brush your teeth at least morning and evening, at least two minutes each. Try brushing around the teeth, tongue, palate and gums with fluoride toothpaste. Don't forget to replace your toothbrush every three months. Also, gargle with antibacterial fluid and dental floss to remove food debris that is not affordable.
  • Drink enough water and chew sugar-free gum. Chewing activities stimulate saliva events that will make your mouth dry causing bad breath. Drinking enough water regularly can make your mouth moist.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that cause bad breath, including smoking.
  • Also, eating fruits and vegetables regularly and reducing meat consumption can reduce the risk of bad breath.
  • Keep checking your teeth, to prevent dental diseases and gums causing bad breath.

Some people worry that they have bad breath, when in fact they don't. This fear is called halitophobia. Obsessed halitophobia patients always clean your mouth as often as possible. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help answer this paranoia.

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