Tips to Prevent Bad Breath when Fasting

In addition to hunger and thirst, bad breath can also make people who fast become less comfortable and lazy to interact with others. What causes bad breath during fasting and how to prevent it exactly?
Bad breath or halitosis is something that is often complained of during fasting. Bad breath when fasting certainly causes insecurity, especially when talking with others. Finally, daily activities can also be interrupted.

Tips to Prevent Bad Breath when Fasting
Causes of bad breath during fasting
During fasting, no food is chewed making saliva production decreases. Thus, the conditions in the oral cavity become dry and bad breath. This is because saliva is useful to help clean up the remnants that cause bad breath. In addition, saliva also contains enzymes that can fight bacteria in the oral cavity.

Some studies show that bad breath is also caused by increasing concentrations of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC). VSC is a greenhouse gas or compound component of sulfur produced by bacteria in the oral cavity and in some foods, such as garlic.

This compound has a volatile and unpleasant taste, which causes odors that can be detected by people around.
Prevents bad breath during fasting

Here are some ways you can do to prevent bad breath during fasting, including:
1. brushing teeth and tongue diligently

Brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day is a way to maintain good oral hygiene. During fasting, brushing can be done after eating food and before going to bed at night.

Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly, including them. In addition to teeth, the tongue must also be cleaned or brushed to remove bacteria and food debris that are still attached.
2. Use mouthwash

Besides brushing and tongue, gargling with mouthwash that does not contain alcohol. It aims to kill bacteria that cause bad breath. Mouthwash containing alcohol is not recommended because it makes the mouth dry.
3. Drink lots of water at dawn and rest

Drinking enough water at dawn and breaking the fast can increase saliva production, preventing dry mouth which causes bad breath.
4. Consume more fruits and vegetables at dawn and rest

Fruits and vegetables can also increase saliva production. Recommended fruits are apples, pears, oranges and melons.
5. Avoid bad food odors

Some types of food such as garlic and onions can cause bad breath, even up to three days after eating. If you eat this food, be sure to brush your teeth as soon as the odor does not stick in your mouth.
6. Avoid smoking

Cigarettes contain tobacco which causes bad breath. In addition, smoking can also endanger the overall health of the body.

If bad breath persists, even if you apply the above method, you should consult a dentist. There may be disturbances in the teeth that cause bad breath, such as cavities, plaque or tartar. , It is recommended for routine dental examinations to the dentist at least once every 6 months.

However, if the cause of bad breath is another medical condition, such as stomach acid disease (GERD) or sinusitis, the dentist can provide a referral to an internist or ENT doctor.

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