Do not be careless, this guide serves to eat while pregnant

Do not be careless, this guide serves to eat while pregnant

Does pregnancy double the amount of food? Not all. Saving food portions for pregnant women is even a way to facilitate your pregnancy, but also to maintain the health of the mother and baby.

Weight gain Pregnant women should not consume more than 15-16 kg. Below are instructions for maintaining food portions during pregnancy, as well as rules for pregnant women.

Calorie needs of pregnant women

Normal women should consume 1500 to 200 calories a day. During the first trimester, it is recommended to consume portions during pregnancy to add up to 100 calories per day (1 cup of milk) and 200 calories per day (1 cup of milk, apples and some biscuits) for the next two and third quarters).

In addition to the number of calories, pregnant women must also pay attention to the nutritional content and nutrients contained in the food eaten, because they can affect the development of the baby in the womb. Here are some good nutrients for health that you should know about:

  • Protein: useful for cell development and blood production. Can be obtained from fish, egg whites, lean meats, tofu or nuts.
  • Carbohydrates: a daily source of energy Can be obtained from rice, potatoes, cereals and others
  • Calcium: to strengthen bones, teeth, muscle contraction and nerve function. Can be obtained from milk, cheese and spinach.
  • Iron: useful for the production of red blood cells to prevent anemia. Can be obtained from lean meat, spinach and cereal.
  • Folic acid: useful to help produce blood and protein in the body, and make the enzyme function more efficiently. Can be obtained from green vegetables, nuts and dark yellow fruits.

Ideal body weight for pregnant women

The dietary habits of pregnant women must be considered because this will affect body weight. By regulating the portion of food ideal for pregnant women, the resulting weight gain will be kept within ideal limits.

If the weight gain that you feel is still low during the first weeks of pregnancy, this is normal. However, avoid getting a lot of weight in early pregnancy, because you can continue to gain weight until the end of pregnancy.

Weight gain during pregnancy must be distributed evenly throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, with a total increase of 1 to 2 kg in the first month and 0.5 to 1 kg for the following month.

Weight gain or sudden weight loss should be a concern for pregnant women. If pregnant women often experience nausea and vomiting, make sure their nutrition is sufficient so that their babies are not born prematurely or are underweight.

Meanwhile, sudden weight gain can be a sign of high blood pressure. Therefore a more thorough medical examination is needed to determine the condition of the mother and baby. In addition, excessive weight gain during pregnancy also tends to cause high blood pressure, gestational diabetes and possible cesarean section due to high baby weight.

Some research also shows that babies who are tall or too fat have the potential to develop breast cancer later in life.

Ideal portion for pregnant women

The ideal part of a pregnant woman's diet is the key to ensuring that the mother does not experience excessive weight gain or underweight during pregnancy. Here are some tips for getting the ideal food portions for pregnant women:

  • Target a balanced diet, especially for fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Choose foods with nutrients: calcium, folic acid, fiber and iron
  • Take at least 70 mg of vitamin C every day. This vitamin can be obtained from oranges, melons, broccoli, tomatoes and other types of fruits and vegetables.
  • It is recommended to eat 2 to 4 servings of fruit and at least 4 servings of vegetables a day.
  • Avoid fast food and high calorie, low nutritious sugar
  • To prevent nausea, try eating several small meals. For example, six times

In addition to paying attention to your diet, it is also advisable to accompany with light exercise to maintain the ideal body weight of pregnancy. Don't be obsessed with scale, because all weight gain is not translated into fat, but also through organs, amniotic fluid, breast swelling and increased blood volume.

A healthy diet for pregnant women is important to maintain the health of the mother and baby in the womb. By adjusting portions according to your daily needs, your risk of various health problems during pregnancy can be reduced. Consult with your obstetrician to find out eating habits that suit your condition.

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