How to beat babies who cry at night, like what?

How to beat babies who cry at night, like what?

Babies often cry at night until they are six months old. Naturally, babies must continue to adapt to their environment after leaving the uterus.

From 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM or just before going to sleep, babies are difficult, cry easily, feel restless and uncomfortable. This behavior is always normal. As long as the baby shows no signs of pain, continue to calm him. Let the baby suckle as long and as often as possible.

Babies cause crying at night

Many people assume that babies party at night because they are hungry or do not like breastfeeding. However, Dr. Peter Hartmann, a scientist who studies ASI, says that even if the volume of ASI decreases at night, the fat content of ASI is even higher today. Thus, calorie intake for babies will not be different from that day. It's just that the flow of breast milk can be slower at night, which makes the baby impatient and frustrated.

In addition, another hypothesis that often arises when babies are difficult is the baby's nervous system which is not fully developed. However, the rejection was submitted by Dr. Katherine Dettwyler, who studied breastfeeding in traditional society.

He mentioned that babies in Mali, West Africa and other isolated communities do not suffer from colic or agitation at night. The reason is that these babies are cared for by their mothers all day and are breastfed several times an hour.

Tips for beating a difficult baby

1. Carry a baby

Carrying a baby will help the mother with her other tasks and calm down difficult toddlers.
2. Help father
When the baby is difficult, let dad help. For example, helping to hold the baby, whether the mother should take a shower or if she wants to rest a little, after a long and tiring day.

3. Get out of the house

Mothers can carry the baby by holding it or putting it on a stroller. New scenery and new atmosphere will help entertain and improve the baby's mood so he is happier.
4. Listen to certain sounds

The baby heard the mother's voice in the womb for nine months. So, don't hesitate to calm the baby with your voice. For example, singing softly, buzzing, buzzing, listening to music or using the rhythm of "white noise" with natural sounds like the sound of water, waves, birdsong, etc. Try different types of sounds, music styles or singers. You might be able to calm down by whispering "sshhhh".

5. Perform rhythmic movements

When you calm your baby, you can do rhythmic movements. It's like holding a baby while swaying lightly, walking or even driving a car.

6. Touch stimulation
Babies also feel safer and more comfortable when touched by their mother. For example, rubbing the baby's head, massaging his body or showering.

7. Reduce stimulation

You can calm your baby by taking him to a quieter room. Dim the lights, reduce the noise, and cover the baby with reins to make it calmer.

8. Breastfeed the baby as often as possible
When the baby is restless, don't implement a breastfeeding program. Instead, let the baby suckle as often as he wants. If you are tired of breastfeeding while sitting, you can lie down and rest while the baby is sleeping.

Whatever method you choose, your baby will stop crying if you stay calm.

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