Is Mole Ulcer Immune Against Antibiotics?

Is Mole Ulcer Immune Against Antibiotics?
Mole or chancroid ulcers are sexually transmitted infections (STIs) caused by Haemophilus ducreyi infection. This disease causes painful open sores on the genitals. This open wound becomes the entrance for other germs to infect the body. HIV is one of the most important examples.
Antibiotic treatment and resistance to ulcers taupe

Antibiotics are the main treatment against taupe ulcers. However, much antibiotic resistance has been found in the treatment of taupe ulcers. A study on the resistance of mole ulcer bacteria revealed the presence of antibiotic resistant Haemophillus ducreyi. This bacterium is resistant to most existing antibiotics, such as penicillin, carbapenem, erythromycin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, and tetracycline.

Currently, the recommended antibiotics for treating mole ulcers are azithromycin, ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin. But apparently, cases of mole ulcers that are resistant to treatment with ciprofloxacin have also been found. Unfortunately, there are no studies on Haemophillus ducreyi's resistance patterns in Indonesia.
Why does resistance occur?

Remember that until now, no new antibiotic that has been effective against resistant germs has been found. The most recent discovery of new antibiotics comes from the 1980s. We can only rely on existing antibiotics to treat mole ulcers.

The world community must thank Sir Alexander Fleming for his discovery of saving millions of humanity, the first antibiotic in the form of penicillin. Since then, dozens of antibiotics have been discovered. But unfortunately, these germs are able to adapt to antibiotic attacks and form immunity, which then turns into a super.
Selection of the ideal antibiotic

If someone is suspected of having an infectious disease, ideally a blood culture test is performed to determine with certainty the germ that is causing the infection. Antibiotic resistance tests are then performed to determine which antibiotic is effective at killing germs. After that, given the appropriate antibiotics. However, this tends to be difficult for ulcers for several reasons:

  • Diagnostic tests for mole ulcers are not effective, so treatment is more often determined based on "assumptions" according to the observed symptoms (syndromic approach).
  • Antibiotic resistance testing and culture is expensive, time-consuming and only available in large countries.

Prevents antibiotic resistance in Mole ulcer disease

We can play an active role in preventing resistance to this disease. Here are a few ways to do this:
1. See a doctor

If you find an injury to the penis or abnormal penis fluid, see a doctor immediately. There may be shame because it involves something sensitive. But remember, the faster the mole ulcer is treated properly, the higher the cure rate,
2. Take out antibiotics as directed by your doctor

If antibiotics are prescribed, use according to doctor's instructions, even though the symptoms are no longer felt. By taking antibiotics, you can be sure that the germ is dead completely and there is no sleep in the body.
3. Tell your sexual partner and invite them to seek treatment

Notifying PMS partners is not easy, but it needs to be done. If you have recovered but your partner has not been treated, it will likely contract again.
4. Don't share antibiotics with other people

It is not wise to share drugs with others because the disease may not be the same, while the symptoms are similar.
5. Prevent

Prevention is always better than treatment. Do safer sex practices to avoid mole ulcers and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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