Knowing acne and various causes

Knowing acne and various causes

Acne is a type of skin problem that is very irritating and disturbs appearance. Most people experience acne skin when hormonal changes in the body.

Although sometimes it appears suddenly, often acne can also disappear by itself. However, there are also severe cases of acne skin and require proper medical care.

Even if zits? What are the causes and how to overcome them?
Is it Acne?

Acne occurs when hair follicles (pores) become blocked by oil produced by the skin and bacterial infections. The most common bacterial cause of acne is Propionibacterium acnes.

Acne usually appears during puberty teenagers aged 12-14 years. However, it will disappear by itself around 20 years. The most common acne is the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and arms.
Pimples in Newborns newborns

Newborns may experience acne-prone skin problems. This type of neonatal acne usually attacks male gender children.

Symptoms include redness, rashes and pimples appearing on the face area. However, this skin problem will go away by itself in a few weeks.
What Causes Acne?

The cause of acne hasn't been fully tested. However, some researchers have explained that there are several factors that can cause acne including:
1. Increase hormone production

Acne in teenagers starts with an increase in hormone production. During puberty, male or female hormones produce higher androgens.

male testosterone hormone will also be a special product. These hormones make the skin produce more sebum which triggers acne.

2. Bacterial Infection

When excess sebum oil production, pores can clog. Especially in the area of ​​the face, neck, chest and back. If the clogged pores are infected with bacteria, it is more inflamed and acne forms.

If the follicle / pore wall is damaged and open skin, in the form of pustules or papules, a type of severe acne and contains yellowish fluid.
3. Use of hormonal drugs

Depending on the type of drug consumed, birth control pills can trigger acne on some women's skin. However, injection contraception and IUD contraception can also cause acne.
In fact, steroids are often consumed by bodybuilders and athletes can also trigger skin prone to acne formation.

In addition to the three things above, there are other things that can cause acne, such as:

  • hormonal problems that cause excess oil in the clogged skin pores
  • offspring
  • The use of cosmetics
  • the voltage
  • Poor face guard
  • Food, usually nuts or dairy products

People who in adolescence do not break, they can meet acne skin problems in adulthood or old age.

The researchers explain this is related to how the response of a person's body faces an increase in the production of oil (sebum) or bacteria that cause acne.

If the oil blocks excess skin pores and is infected by bacteria, of course, it can cause inflammation or acne.

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