Learn more about hydrocephalus in infants, can it be prevented?

Learn more about hydrocephalus in infants, can it be prevented?

Although it can occur at any age, hydrocephalus is more common in infants and people over 60 years. The main feature of hydrocephalus is the enlarged head size.

This disease can cause various damage to the baby's brain, especially in infants; therefore we must take precautions. To prevent hydrocephalus, you can do a number of important things.

What is hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain cavity. This fluid fulfills three vital functions: to protect the nervous system, to eliminate body debris and to maintain the brain.

In one day, the brain produces 1 liter of cerebrospinal fluid. Old cerebrospinal fluid is absorbed into the blood vessels. If the process of producing and absorbing cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, this can cause excess fluid.

Excess cerebrospinal fluid can increase the size and pressure on the brain. This condition can damage brain tissue and cause various brain function disorders. With regard to the root causes of hydrocephalus, namely:

  • Too much cerebrospinal fluid is produced
  • Blocking circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Cerebrospinal fluid cannot be absorbed into the blood.

You should know that there are several types of hydrocephalus. That might depend on the cause. The following types of hydrocephalus usually occur in infants:
1. Congenital hydrocephalus

Congenital hydrocephalus is one of the most common abnormalities in infant development. In congenital hydrocephalus, infants are born with a blockage in the cerebrospinal fluid. Hydrocephalus can be caused by congenital abnormalities and often even occurs in babies with neural tube defects. In addition, it can also be caused by maternal infections during pregnancy that affect the development of the baby's brain, such as rubella, syphilis, mumps, and toxoplasmosis.

2. Hydrocephalus is obtained
Hydrocephalus that is acquired will develop after birth. The cause of hydrocephalus, which is an injury or disease that causes impurity of the cerebrospinal fluid, is obtained. This can be caused by bleeding into the brain due to premature brain tumors, meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord), injury, infection and some chemicals in the brain. brain.

Signs of hydrocephalus in infants

Babies with hydrocephalus will have signs that distinguish them from normal babies. The following signs of hydrocephalus can occur in infants:

  • Head becomes very big

This is the most important sign of hydrocephalus. The baby's head will be very large compared to babies his age.

  • Head size increases rapidly

When your baby's head size increases rapidly, you must be vigilant because this can be a sign of hydrocephalus. In addition, the bumps on the top of his head are soft and tense.

  • Low growth

Babies with hydrocephalus will experience poor growth. Due to blocked brain fluid in the head, some of the functions of the baby's brain are damaged and can no longer function normally.

  • Easy to get angry

Babies with hydrocephalus will also be irritable or difficult even if they are breastfed. This is because the head becomes heavier and appetite is reduced in infants.

In addition, hydrocephalus babies will also show other signs, such as empty eyes, drowsiness, cramps, difficulty eating, weak muscles, cramps, slow response to touch and vomiting. .

Hydrocephalus can cause physical, intellectual and infant development. When a baby has a sign of hydrocephalus, you must be vigilant and immediately check his condition to the doctor. Meanwhile, if you are planning a pregnancy or have just given birth, you can prevent hydrocephalus at some stage.

Prevent hydrocephalus

In fact, hydrocephalus cannot be prevented. However, you can reduce the risk of disease attacking your baby. Possible Meanings:

  • Get prenatal care

Make sure you receive prenatal care during pregnancy. This can help reduce the risk of premature birth, one of the causes of hydrocephalus. In addition, you also have to get a medical vaccine that can prevent the emergence of diseases and infections associated with hydrocephalus in infants.

Also do routine checks for early detection, if an illness or infection can make the baby exposed to hydrocephalus, to get proper treatment right away.

  • Ensuring baby's health and safety

Always make sure your baby is safe, don't let him hurt his head. Head injuries can cause hydrocephalus in infants. Therefore, pay attention to the safety or swing of your stroller.

Also, do baby examinations so they can detect tumors, meningitis, or brain infections that can cause hydrocephalus. Remember to always prioritize the safety and health of your baby.

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