Nails, often health and disease relations occur

Nails, often health and disease relations occur

Do you know if your nails can provide clues about your health? White spots, reddish color, or a few small bumps may be a sign of disease. heart, lung and heart problems can appear on your nails. Here are some nail conditions and tools for your health!

1. Nail Pale

Very pale nails can sometimes be a sign of serious illness, such as:

  • anemia
  • heart failure
  • heart disease
  • malnutrition

2. White Nail

If the nails are mostly white with darker edges, this can indicate liver problems such as hepatitis. Sometimes people also see small yellow fingers as another sign of liver problems.
3. Yellow nails

The most common cause of yellow nails is a fungal infection. When the infection worsens, the lining of the nail can thicken and collapse. In rare cases, yellow nails indicate more serious conditions such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or psoriasis.
4. Nail bluish

Nails with a bluish tint can mean that the body is not receiving enough oxygen. This can indicate lung problems such as emphysema. Some heart problems can be related to bluish nails.

5. Nail punching holes
If the surface of the nail or bumpy hole, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or arthritis. Nail discoloration often occurs, for example, the skin under the nail is reddish brown.
6. Polish or remove the gap

dry, brittle nails, often damaged or cracked and often independently associated with thyroid disease. Damage or cracking combined with yellowish hue is usually caused by a fungal infection.
7. Fold nail Swelling
If the skin around the nails appears red and swollen, this is known as inflammation of the nail folds. It might be the result of lupus or other connective tissue disease. Infection can also cause redness and inflammation of the nail folds.
8. dark lines under the nails

Dark lines under the nails must be investigated as soon as possible. This condition is sometimes caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

9. gnawing nails
Nail biting can be considered a habit since childhood if you are nervous, but in some cases it is a sign of ongoing anxiety and can be handled properly. Nail biting or nail picking is also associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you cannot stop the habit of nail biting, it is worth discussing with your doctor.

Changes in color, shape, or whatever happens to the nail can indicate several different conditions. Change is often an early symptom of this disease, and many nail disorders are harmless. For example, not everyone with white nails has hepatitis.

Nail disease often occurs

Some nail diseases that often occur, including Cantengan (paronychia), nail fungus infection (from onomycosis) and subungal hematoma.
1. Cantengan

Cutaneous is a nail disease in which the nail grows into the finger. Sticking often causes pain, but there are some things you can do to reduce pain. Cantengan can heal by itself.

If you experience severe pain due to caning or spread, the doctor will take steps to help ease discomfort and prevent complications from nail growth.
2. Onomycosis
Onomycosis is a disease of the nails in the form of fungal infections that occur on the nails. This disease can cause pain, discomfort, and changes in the shape and color of the nail.

In many cases, the fungus spreads from the plantar skin and fills the skin under the nails by hyponychium. Onomycosis treatment is usually a topical or oral antifungal drug, depending on the location and severity of the nail infection.
3. hematoma Subungal
Subungal hematoma is a nail disease caused by a concussion or because of a sharp object on the nail, causing injury to the nail. Subungal hematomas have no symptoms, but if they are large they can cause pain to the patient.

To treat, trepination can be done, where a hole is made in the body from the nail to reduce pressure, or the removal of the nail.

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