Treatment of various types of injury not infection
Falling a bicycle or scratching a knife when cutting vegetables will hurt you. Two minor injuries, wounds or burns, all require treatment and care. Because of injury, especially exposure, the risk of infection can develop more seriously. For that, see how to clean and treat the following types of wounds.
Handling of small wounds
Don't panic if you have suffered from a small amount of blood loss. In this case, blood plays a role in cleaning the wound. In other words, a little bleeding and will not hurt can be useful for wound healing. Bleeding in small wounds and scratches usually stops quickly.
If the bleeding does not stop, you can help by applying a little pressure with gauze or tissue. If blood flows, place a piece of gauze or cloth on it. Take the time to really stop the bleeding. You can also attach adhesive to allow cloth or gauze to remove bleeding wounds.
Scratch handling
When you cook, or skin on the hand using a knife that often happens. However, make sure to stay calm and clean the wound immediately with cold water. Then remove the gravel and debris with sterile tweezers with alcohol.
Clean the area around the wound gently with soap and a clean cloth. Do not use irritating soap, iodine solution, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. You only need clean, fresh water to handle cuts and scrapes.
wound care can also be done by administering antibiotic creams or ointments. Antibiotic creams and ointments not only make the wound still wet, but they can reduce the risk of infection. If you want to use an antibiotic cream, apply a thin layer over the wound. However, note that some antibiotic creams can trigger a rash in some people. If you develop a rash, stop using ointments.
If you have wounds in your body and risk friction with clothing, be sure to cover it with a bandage. Friction on clothes can reopen a wound or even infect a wound. When in doubt, cover the wound with an adhesive adhesive bandage to prevent bacteria. Be sure to change your dressing every day.
Signs of injury recovery
Shortly after you get a small cut or scrape mechanism your body is repaired immediately. white blood cells attack bacteria that cause infections. Platelets, red blood cells and fibrin create gelatinous lumps in the wound and immediately form a hard protective film.
Handling burns
Burns are divided into three levels of severity, small, medium and large. Burns one third of the course severity varies. The following burns can be made:
Handling of minor burns
Most of us have suffered minor burns, either due to hot water or accidentally exposed to hot air. To remedy this, immediately cool the area with a cold cloth or cold water to keep the skin from exposure to heat that continues to burn.
Then wash the wound with soap and water and dry it with a soft caress. Leave blisters that form on their own. It is formed which can help protect the skin during the healing process.
Handling means burns
If you experience burns actually burn this level is not much different from minor burns. First, you need to clean the wound with cold water for 10-15 minutes.
Compress the wound if there is no running water. Don't use ice to cool burns because ice can reduce body temperature and cause pain and damage to your skin. Avoid blisters or break toothpaste rubbing on the wound because it can cause infection.
Also, cover your burn with sterile gauze and cover tightly with tape. If you are worried about ongoing burns, you can consult a doctor. The doctor can check how severe the burn is suffered, and prescribe antibiotics, medications or recommend a tetanus vaccine, if any.
Heavy Burn Handling
Contact them as soon as possible for emergency services. While waiting for help, you can cover the burn with sterile gauze or cloth that does not leave fibers in the wound.
Do not immerse in water for severe burns or any application without doctor's guidance so that the wound is not infected.
Recognize signs of infection in the wound
If redness of the spread of the wound surface is followed by swelling, green or yellow discharge, or an increase in temperature around the wound, you may have an infection.
Other signs also indicate an infection of swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits or groin accompanied by pain throughout the body, chills or fever. If you have these signs, call your doctor immediately.
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