Normal Childbirth Eye Minus Impossible? Not necessarily

Normal Childbirth Eye Minus Impossible? Not necessarily

One of the concerns of pregnant women who wear glasses is whether a normal childbirth minus the eye can occur. Even in more than one European country, pregnant women together with high enough minuses are highly recommended for cesarean delivery.

However, the actual method of childbirth is not determined together with how much minus a woman. Anyone able to give birth together in a normal or caesarean way regardless of the state of their eyes. There are many aspects that determine.

There is never any medical evidence that says that pregnant women together with minus the eyes are unable to give birth normally. Straining actually adds pressure to the eye muscles, but it doesn't necessarily cause damage to the retina of the eye.

Minus high, what happened?

Someone who has a high minus usually referred to along with the state of nearsightedness. This happens because the shape of the cornea is very curved. As a result, the light that should have fallen to the retina deviates in the future.

People who experience high minus are not able to see long distances together clearly. When the minus is already very high, available retinal peripherals may become thinner.

When the retinal peripherals become thinner, the fatal thing that can occur is the retina is torn so that the fluid in the middle of the eyeball can enter the gap between the back layer of the retina and the retina itself.

However, do not be very quick to worry together with what is mentioned above. Again, retinal peripheral depletion is not available in conjunction with the pregnancy process.

Straining and pressure
It is true that during labor, a woman has to push hard to get along with the right technique. The muscles in the abdomen, chest, and especially the eyes also do not escape the pressure.

However, it is fine for a woman to make sure to give birth together in a normal way if the conditions allow.

Furthermore, the issue of childbirth together with the caesarean method is not only determined by minus the eye. There are so many other aspects to consider, like age, state of pregnancy, blood pressure, and more.

So, even though obstetricians usually expect pregnant women who wear glasses to check the freshness of their eyes for the first trimester of gestational age, this is not necessarily the main indicator of how the delivery method will be.

Based on statistics, a group of women together with minus 4.5 to 15 did not experience any cases after giving birth normally. That is, giving birth to a normal eye minus is not an impossible matter.

Ask your obstetrician about this, whether you should see an ophthalmologist to be aware of your situation.

During pregnancy, changes are available in the eye

Pregnancy is a period that is so absolute for a woman. For 9 months, there are many changes available in their bodies, both physically and hormonal.

In addition to discussing whether it could have given birth to a normal eye minus, apparently the eye also experienced more than one change during pregnancy. One of the most common is hormone changes that trigger hormones or farsightedness.

In addition, more than one other turnover is available in the eyes of expectant mothers, such as:

  •     Cornea

As a result of hormone replacement, the cornea which is a transparent membrane in the eye is capable of changing thickness. When this happens, women who are not initially in the case of wearing contact lenses can no longer be able to tolerate contact lenses.

Not only that, the production of tear glands also decreased due to natural and trigger dry eyes (xerophthalmia). This triggers Wearing contact lenses to be at risk of triggering infection.

The good news, this subject can subside along after itself after giving birth and the period of breastfeeding.

  •     Change in minus the eye

Do not be surprised if during pregnancy minus the initially small eyes can increase. The contributing factor is hormone replacement. This is why many pregnant women who become must change their glasses.

However, this matter did not happen permanently. That is, pregnant women should refrain from replacing glasses.

  •     Photophobia

Another thing that shifts due to fluctuating hormones during pregnancy is that a person is able to be very sensitive to light. In addition, pregnant women can more easily become headaches.

After labor examination
Although giving birth to a normal eye minus the height is absolutely still possible, the mother must still pursue an eye examination after delivery.

There are many other aspects that can affect the freshness of the eye, like diabetic retinopathy, hypertension, glaucoma, and other cases of freshness.

It is equally important to be sure to check the blood pressure and hemoglobin content of pregnant women before delivery. This factor also determines whether a mother is able to give birth together in a way normal or through the caesarean method.

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