Nutrition and various benefits of freshwater fish for health

Fish contains a variety of nutrients that are beneficial to health. Not only limited to sea fish, you can also get various nutrients and benefits of freshwater fish.

Freshwater fish usually live in rivers and lakes. In Indonesia, there are various types of freshwater fish, including tilapia, white snapper, freshwater sardines and catfish.

Nutrition and various benefits of freshwater fish for health
Although awareness of fish consumption in Indonesia continues to increase, it is still relatively low compared to other countries. In fact, the benefits of freshwater fish or sea water fish, including an important source of nutrients to improve body health. Fish meat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, selenium, vitamin D and low saturated fat.
Get to know the nutritional content of freshwater fish

In Indonesia, freshwater fish is a daily menu. You can get the nutrition and benefits of freshwater fish through the consumption of fish as follows:

  • indigo
For those of you who don't like fish because of the fishy smell, tilapia might be a choice. Tilapia, including freshwater fish that don't smell of fish, is easy to process and tastes good. Tilapia contains vitamin B12, which is one of the body's important components for energy maintenance. The nutrients and benefits of this type of freshwater fish include high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as low fat. Therefore, it is good for the sick or elderly who are at risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and hypertension.
  • White Snapper
White or Nile Snapper is usually quite large perch, so it is usually available as a fillet, steak or steak. Although large, the texture of the snapper is sweet and easy to digest. This fish is also worthy of being a basic menu because it is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Freshwater sardines
Small silver freshwater sardines with a unique taste. This fish is usually dried first and then eaten whole. Freshwater sardines contain vitamins A, B, and B that the body needs. In addition, this type of fish is also rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. These three nutrients are important for the development of a child's teeth and bones and are very useful for improving the health of pregnant women.
  • catfish
To enjoy the benefits of freshwater fish, you can eat the most famous fish in Indonesia because it is very easy to get whether it's catfish. This freshwater fish contains many nutrients needed by the body, such as protein, fat, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin A, sodium and iron. The advantage of this fish is that it contains less mercury, making it safe for pregnant women.

Tips for eating fish safely

Some people may not like fish because of various factors, ranging from high prices to the sea, not knowing how to treat it properly, to fearing mercury or other toxic substances.

For those of you who are afraid or doubtful about consuming fish because they contain mercury, you should be more careful in choosing the fish you consume. So that you do not feel worried and uncertain, here is a list of fish with high mercury content and fish with low mercury levels:

  • Fish with high mercury content
Fish with high mercury content, such as swordfish or swordfish, mackerel, canned tuna, grouper, and marlin. Fish must be avoided because it can actually endanger health if consumed continuously.
  • Fish with low mercury
You can choose to eat catfish, tilapia, sardines, salmon, squid or anchovies with low mercury levels.

Also make sure the fish you eat are fresh. You can check the eyes on the texture of the meat. Fresh fish eyes protrude with bright black pupils and ocular membranes. Fish gills appear bright red with an elastic flesh texture when pressed with fingers.

Nutrition and health benefits of freshwater fish are a pity to miss. Pay attention to the selection of fresh fish by healthy cooking, so you can get optimal nutrition and benefits.

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