Perform early pregnancy detection steps to prevent it

Perform early pregnancy detection steps to prevent it

Non-embryonic pregnancy or empty pregnancy may sound foreign to your ears. 50% of cases of miscarriages in early pregnancy are caused by empty pregnancies. This disease initially shows the same signs as a normal pregnancy, such as a positive test, nausea and vomiting, and bleeding spots (implantation).

Bleeding is a normal sign of pregnancy. In addition, when pregnancy is empty, a miscarriage can cause more serious bleeding. However, you can also experience an empty pregnancy without bleeding.

Early detection of empty pregnancy
Pregnancy is empty, but no bleeding can occur when the disease is detected as soon as possible. Signs that are similar to normal pregnancy often cause anchorion pregnancy to be ignored. Only when bleeding appears, the victim realizes that the contents are problematic.

This condition can certainly be dangerous if you become aware of an empty pregnancy after bleeding. Bleeding in the vagina can cause you to lose a lot of blood. Therefore, you should immediately seek an empty pregnancy or anembrionic pregnancy with:

1. Perform ultrasonography

Ultrasonography is the best way to detect an empty pregnancy at first, but without bleeding. When you experience an empty pregnancy, the fetus will not appear with ultrasound. By doing an ultrasound, you can determine your complete uterine status so that you can detect empty pregnancies. Therefore, you must do ultrasound regularly.

2. Pay attention to empty pregnancy signs
Paying attention to the signs of an empty pregnancy as soon as possible is an important thing to do to detect an empty pregnancy that is not bleeding. Regarding the signs of a virgin pregnancy you should pay attention to, namely:

Nausea and vomiting disappear

When the nausea and vomiting that you feel suddenly disappear, you must be vigilant, it can be a sign of an empty pregnancy but will not bleed. When the age of the uterus increases, usually morning sickness due to hormonal changes. However, during an empty pregnancy, nausea and vomiting decrease or even disappear with age.

Breast pain disappears

If you have experienced breast pain, but the pregnancy will disappear with pregnancy, you must realize it. This can be a sign that you have an empty pregnancy.

Stomach cramps are great

When you experience severe stomach cramps, you must be vigilant. This may be a sign that you are pregnant empty but you are not bleeding. Abdominal cramps can also indicate that your anembryonic pregnancy will go down.

Pregnancy care is empty

Basically, an empty pregnancy can fall on its own. This takes about 2 weeks. After a natural miscarriage, you may need painkillers to treat the pain you are feeling. Doctors can recommend the right painkillers.

In addition, compressing the stomach with a cloth soaked in warm water can help relieve stomach cramps. You should always consult a doctor for ultrasound while ensuring that the uterus is perfectly clean.

Care for virgin pregnant patients

When your pregnancy is empty, your doctor will recommend a medication to treat your condition. Treatment actions that will be recommended include:

1. medicine

The doctor will give an abortion as an oral drug or put into the vagina. However, the use of these drugs must be based on doctor's instructions with the right dosage. After using this drug, the body needs several days to remove the tissue that is left in the uterus. During this process, there are possible side effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps and severe bleeding.
2. Dilation and curette

In addition to medication, your doctor can also recommend widening and curettage. Both of these procedures are surgical procedures aimed at removing empty pregnancy tissue. This is done by dilating the cervix and eroding the contents of pregnancy tissue. Dilation and curettage can cause side effects such as cervical infection, uterine lesions, uterine scarring, and heavy bleeding.

Consult with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you. In consultation, your doctor will monitor your condition to stay safe after anembrionic pregnancy.

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