The Difference Between False Contractions and Original Contractions Nearing Labor

The Difference Between False Contractions and Original Contractions Nearing Labor

The last trimester of pregnancy is the phase in which various indications begin to appear. One of the most common indications is maternal abdominal contractions.

Does every type of contraction that occur necessarily indicate the arrival of work? No, Braxton Hicks is an example.

What is Braxton Hicks?

Braxton Hicks are often also called "fake contractions". This contraction is a manifestation of the body's mechanism to simulate the actual work process.

Many women describe Braxton Hicks as a "tightening" of a stomach that can appear and disappear on its own. Sometimes these fake contractions look like mild menstrual cramps.

Braxton Hicks usually begin to be felt during the third trimester or early in the second trimester of pregnancy. Although this sometimes causes discomfort, this type of contraction is not a sign of labor or opening of the cervix. To avoid misperception, you must recognize the characteristics of Braxton Hicks.

Braxton Hicks feature
In many cases, Braxton Hicks is often misinterpreted as a sign of work coming, especially by pregnant women for the first time. If forced to give birth prematurely, the baby can be born prematurely and potentially endanger the safety of the baby and the mother at the same time.

To avoid this incident, let's get to know the Braxton Hicks feature below:

  • Fake contractions are usually not very painful.
  • Do not occur periodically.
  • Can stop due to changes in activity or position.
  • Don't last long enough.
  • Don't feel stronger from time to time.

To be clearer and not create a dilemma, try comparing the characteristics of contractions with the actual contractions below.

The difference between Braxton Hicks and labor contractions is evident

To find out if the contractions you are feeling are artificial or genuine, you can use the following differences:

  • Frequency of contraction. The Braxton Hicks effect is usually irregular and the time is not too close between one contraction and another. Whereas initial contractions usually occur periodically and last around 30 to 70 seconds.
  • Position influence. False contractions can usually stop when you change your position or activity. While the initial contraction continues even though you change various positions and activities.
  • Strength of contraction. Braxton Hicks generally feel weak and do not become stronger over time. Or, he can first strengthen himself and then weaken himself. While the initial contractions will strengthen over time.
  • Point of Contraction False contractions are usually only seen in the anterior region of the abdomen or pelvis. While the original contractions occur more intensely from the lower back to the front of the abdomen toward the back.

If in doubt, contact your doctor or midwife to discuss the symptoms of contractions. Similarly, if the contraction is accompanied by:

  • Antepartum (vaginal bleeding).
  • Rupture or flow of uterine fluid types.
  • Strong contractions every 5 minutes for one hour.
  • Unbearable contractions.
  • Changes in baby's movements (less than 10 movements every 2 hours).
  • Symptoms of labor contractions are true before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Then, is there a way to reduce the effects of Braxton Hicks?

Tips for minimizing the effects of Braxton Hicks contractions
Braxton Hicks can usually go alone and are classified as normal. However, if you feel uncomfortable with the symptoms that occur, follow the tips below to reduce the effects of Braxton Hicks:

Change your position and activities, such as getting up, sleeping or taking a walk.
Relax by taking a hot shower or listening to music.
Massage the abdomen that is contracting.

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