Warning, this is Ringworm 7 Suspected Condition Infected to Groin!

Warning, this is Ringworm 7 Suspected Condition Infected to Groin!

Ringworm of the groin is certainly very disturbing comfort, even if it does not hurt. extraordinary itching can be one of the symptoms that continue to bother sufferers.

But what exactly makes ringworm appear in the area of ​​the sexual organs? Let's see the explanation below!
7 things in people who often attack moths

Groin and other bodies of the fold line are susceptible to ringworm contracting. From the inner thighs.

Because fungus causes diseases like to breed in humid places. What conditions will this cause more mold growth?

  1. Wear tight clothes because it will make skin hard to breathe. Therefore, when you sweat, tightly closed clothes will be wet and difficult to dry. Not only that, tight clothing can also cause skin irritation.
  2. Sweating often. Ringworm usually affects people who often sweat in large amounts, such as athletes. Likewise with those who suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis. Also, if you leave wet clothes stick to the skin and don't replace them.
  3. Overweight or obese. excess body fat creates a moist condition on the body folds and excessive sweating. Both conditions will increasingly cause mold growth.
  4. Having a weak immune system, such as patients with HIV / AIDS, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, or those taking immunosuppressive drugs.
  5. Diabetes. High blood sugar and blood levels can potentially lead to uncontrolled infections, including the cause of ringworm fungus in the groin.
  6. Often share personal items with bad people, such as towels or clothes.
  7. physical contact with ringworm, for example athletes in the struggle, or families who live one roof with patients.

If you fall into one of the categories above, you should be wary of this fungal infection. Although it is not dangerous, itching or burning sensation due to ringworm in the groin can still interfere with activity and comfort.

To help prevent this disease, you can do simple and effective prevention. How can I?
Top tip treat and prevent ringworm in the groin

If you have tested positive for ringworm of the groin, sometimes don't even scratch if you feel itchy or hot as a burning sensation. This can cause injury and infection. You should immediately expand the area with antifungal ringworm medicine from a doctor so that the moth does not last for months.

Use the medication following a doctor's recommendation or manufacturer's instructions on the packaging. Because cessation of the use of anti-fungal drugs before a certain time limit can cause the fungus to reproduce again and trigger recurrence of ringworm.

When you feel better than this disease, make a series of preventive steps to maintain cleanliness and avoid the recurrence of ringworm. These steps can include:

diligent shower
Don't take a lazy shower if you have suffered from mycosis in the groin. Make it a habit to shower twice a day and after exercise. Keeping the genital area clean is the most effective preventative measures for ringworm not to happen again.

Keep the body dry

Keep the groin, especially for areas always dry. If you sweat too often, please consult with your doctor for recommendations for safe antifungal powder in the genital area.

Choose loose clothes
Avoid using clothes too tight, because it can interfere with air circulation or scratching your groin. polar clothes to wear loose and comfortable, also cotton that is easy absorb sweat.

Don't share personal items
Avoid barnag lending other personal items. From towels, clothes, pants, both Mr. Always carry your belongings for you.
Wear clean clothes

Make sure all your clothes are clean and moist. Wash each other's clothes used. Use antibacterial detergent if needed.

Changing clothes after every shower can also help prevent ringworm. Change more often if you include people who sweat easily.

Water flea treatment

If you suffer from athlete's foot, the same fungus can also spread to the groin and cause infection. So treat athlete's foot carefully to achieve a speedy recovery. You should also use other dry towels when they want to wipe your feet with water fleas.

You should see a doctor if ringworm in the groin does not heal after treatment with antifungal ointment for two weeks. You should also consult a doctor if the moth to multiply in the next few weeks seems to recover.

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