When Can Children Get Influenza Vaccine?

When Can Children Get Influenza Vaccine?
Flu or flu is a disease that often attacks children. In general, influenza infection in children can make childhood difficult, weight loss and nasal congestion. One way to prevent children from getting the flu virus is to give them flu shots.
When do children get flu shots?

Influenza vaccine can be given to children aged 6 months to 8 years. Experts recommend that influenza vaccines be given every year because influenza viruses can be immunized against vaccines already given. For children who receive influenza vaccine for the first time, they need influenza vaccine twice as much as 4 weeks after the first vaccine.

After the flu shot is injected, antibodies will form in the child's body after two weeks. These antibodies will help protect your child from influenza virus infections. Influenza vaccine is around 70-90% effective for influenza prevention, depending on the flu season and your child's health status.

At present, influenza vaccine is one of the administrative requirements for pilgrimage or pilgrimage, in addition to the meningitis vaccine. If you plan to invite your child to choose Umrah / Hajj, adjust the influenza vaccine to your child's age.
Types of flu shots
There are two types of influenza vaccines, namely injection and spraying in the nose. The injected vaccine contains a dead virus, while the spray vaccine contains a weak virus. For children under 2 years, it is recommended that flu shots be given as a spray.
Side effects of the flu vaccine

In vaccines given by injection, a side effect that often occurs is the emergence of redness and pain around the injection site. Other symptoms are usually mild fever, lethargy, sore throat. Side effects of the aerosol vaccine are usually fever, headache and runny nose.

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