This is a danger of vitamin D deficiency

Although it sounds trivial, due to lack of vitamin D, many organs, including bones and teeth, can be affected. Vitamin D deficiency is not only felt by infants and children, but can also occur in adults.

Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by various factors including lack of sun exposure, being overweight (obese), and lack of consumption of foods containing vitamin D.

The impact of vitamin D deficiency on infants and children

Mild vitamin D deficiency usually does not show typical symptoms. But in conditions that are already severe, vitamin D deficiency in infants can cause muscle stiffness, convulsions and even difficulty breathing.

If this happens to children, vitamin D deficiency can cause various disorders, such as:

  • Rickets. This situation will cause pain in the bones of children, muscle pain and muscle weakness.
  • Growth disturbance. Vitamin D deficiency in children will have an impact on height growth disorders.
  • Delay in tooth growth.
  • Moods and emotions change easily.
  • Susceptible to infections, including infections of the respiratory system.
  • Heart muscle weakness or cardiomyopathy.

Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults

Besides children, adults can also suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Various disorders, such as fatigue, pain that is not clear or painful and discomfort, often become a rare symptom in adults with vitamin deficiency or deficiency. D light. While under severe conditions, vitamin D deficiency in adults can cause osteomalacia.

In addition, several studies have shown an association between vitamin D deficiency and the following diseases:


One study found that adults with vitamin D deficiency were twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's than people with sufficient vitamin D needs.

A study conducted in 2014 showed that a person with vitamin D deficiency had a higher risk of developing schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by symptoms in the form of hallucinations, a tendency to withdraw from society and speak without consequences.
Heart disease

One study showed that vitamin D deficiency was associated with a number of heart conditions. This is due to the discovery of vitamin D deficiency in 70% of patients undergoing coronary angiography.

The effects of vitamin D deficiency can affect anyone and should not be underestimated. Therefore, meet your daily vitamin D needs by getting enough sun and eating foods that are rich in vitamin D. If you want to go on a particular diet or diet, talk with your doctor to make sure you don't get wet. does not have vitamin D deficiency

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