3 Abstinence in pregnant women for healthy fetal growth
Fetal growth retardation (PJT) or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) occurs when the fetus is smaller than expected. To prevent this condition, there are restrictions for pregnant women who must be obeyed.
A fetus with TJP may be at risk during pregnancy, during labor, even after the birth of the fetus. The main causes of PJT are generally divided into four factors: maternal (maternal), fetal (fetal), genetic and placental factors.
Abstinence from pregnant women so that the fetus develops healthy
With respect to maternal factors, several factors can be avoided to prevent retardation of fetal growth.
1. Cigarettes
Exposure to cigarettes, both active and passive, has a significant impact on body health. During pregnancy, smoking exposure has been shown to be associated with PJT. Plus, if a pregnant woman smokes during her pregnancy.
The greater the cigarette exposure during pregnancy, the lower the fetal weight during pregnancy and preterm birth. This will have more serious consequences if pregnant women smoke in the third trimester of pregnancy or in the last trimester.
It has been shown that stopping smoking during pregnancy increases the weight of the fetus during pregnancy. In addition, stopping smoking can reduce the risk of illness during pregnancy and death during pregnancy or childbirth.
2. alcohol
So far, no minimal consumption of alcohol has been proven safe during pregnancy.
The main impact of alcohol on pregnancy is the occurrence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which can interfere with the growth and development of infants, both physically and mentally and infertile. intelligence during fetal growth and development.
Besides FAS, alcohol has been shown to cause several abnormalities during pregnancy, such as TJP, an increased risk of congenital malformations such as cerebral palsy, risk of stillbirth, and spontaneous abortion. .
3. Illegal drugs
In studies in laboratory animals, the administration of illegal drugs such as amphetamine has been shown to have toxic effects in pregnant women, while causing malformations or fetal congenital abnormalities.
This is also shown in pregnant women who are addicted to illegal drugs. In pregnant women with this condition, side effects are observed during pregnancy, including low fetal weight and premature birth.
Amphetamine-class drugs cause blockages of placental blood vessels and increase the risk of developing TJP. In addition to these drugs, cocaine and heroin are also responsible for PJT and other risks.
In addition to illegal drugs, the use of anticonvulsants (phenytoin), anticoagulant drugs (warfarin) and drugs containing steroids have been proven to be the cause of fetal PJT.
Therefore, you should always consult a doctor before using this drug, because they can replace it with drugs that offer similar benefits, to be used during pregnancy.
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