3 causes of nausea during pregnancy to watch

3 causes of nausea during pregnancy to watch

Morning sickness is a complaint that is often experienced in the early trimester of pregnancy. Nausea generally disappears after the third month of pregnancy. However, in some cases, nausea continues during pregnancy and not only in the morning, but also occurs all the time. Changes in hormone levels in the body cause nausea during pregnancy.

Nausea during pregnancy is thought to occur due to increased levels of the human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) hormone. In addition, vitamin B6 deficiency and thyroid disorders are also considered to have a role as causes of nausea during pregnancy.

3 Causes of nausea during pregnancy

1. Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Shortly after the fertilization process, the body begins to produce the hormone HCG. HCG hormone levels will double every 72 hours and reach a peak when pregnancy enters the 8-11 weeks. This situation is the cause of nausea that you experience will be heavy in the first trimester.

When the placenta begins to form to provide nutrition to the fetus, the hormone HCG will decrease. The nausea you experience will gradually disappear. In addition, the hormone estrogen and stress hormone (cortisol) are also thought to affect the occurrence of nausea during pregnancy.

In addition to the hormone HCG, progesterone levels also contribute to creating nausea during pregnancy. The hormone progesterone will also increase during pregnancy. This hormone acts to prepare the uterus as a place for fetal growth and development.

Increased progesterone levels can cause nausea due to stomach disorders. The hormone progesterone works in the stomach by affecting the level of the lower esophageal sphincter and the movement of the stomach muscles so that you can easily experience nausea during pregnancy.

2. Vitamin B6 deficiency

Vitamin B6 deficiency often causes nausea during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body is vulnerable to vitamin B6 deficiency. This is due to the increased activity of the tryptophan oxygenase enzyme which uses vitamin B6 as one of its contributors.

To prevent vitamin B6 deficiency and reduce symptoms of nausea during pregnancy, it is recommended to consume foods that contain lots of vitamin B6, such as fish, meat, chicken, vegetables, and non-citrus fruits.
3. Thyroid disorders

Although rare, the state of nausea during pregnancy can be associated with disorders of the thyroid. Increased HCG hormone triggers an increase in thyroid hormone production. This causes pregnant women to experience hyperthyroidism.

One symptom experienced in this condition is severe nausea and vomiting. Pregnant women can also experience weight loss and dehydration. This condition will generally disappear after 20 weeks gestation.

Risk factors for nausea during pregnancy
If you experience pregnancy for the first time, your risk of experiencing nausea will be greater than for subsequent pregnancies. However, if you experience nausea during your first pregnancy, your chances of experiencing nausea in subsequent pregnancies will decrease.

Pregnancy at a young age, twin pregnancy, obesity, and the sex of a baby girl also play a role in increasing your risk of experiencing nausea during pregnancy. Stressful conditions experienced during pregnancy will worsen your nausea. Stress will cause an increase in the hormone cortisol in the body which also affects nausea.

A previous history of nausea when using hormonal contraceptives containing estrogen, migraine, motion sickness, and family history of morning sickness are conditions that will make you more prone to nausea during pregnancy.

In addition, the large size of the placenta is also a risk factor for nausea during pregnancy. The placenta is the organ that connects the mother and fetus. This organ plays a role in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the fetus.

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