Diagnosis of Heel Pain and Treatment of Heel Pain

As a first step, the doctor will ask for symptoms and will do a physical examination to check the condition of the foot or heel. The patient will be asked to walk or stand so the doctor can determine the location and cause of the pain. In addition, the doctor will also check the condition of the patient's feet when wearing shoes.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor can also do another test. This examination is generally done by scanning, for example by X-ray. The purpose of the examination is to check the condition of the patient's heel so the doctor can determine the appropriate treatment.

Diagnosis of Heel Pain and Treatment of Heel Pain
Treatment of heel pain

When the heel hurts, you can do independent treatment at home. Some treatments that can be done are:

  • Rest your feet and lift your heels higher than your chest while lying down.
  • Compress cold heels for 10-15 minutes twice a day.
  • Wear shoes that are not tight, comfortable and have low heels. To be more comfortable, use heel cushions on shoes.
  • Don't walk or stand for too long. Rest your feet after walking for too long or standing.
  • Wrap the area around the heel and ankle with a bandage to support the sore heel or ankle.
  • Do stretch exercises slowly and regularly.

If the pain does not go away with treatment at home, your doctor may suggest the following treatment methods:

Physical therapy aims to strengthen muscles and other leg tissues, such as ligaments and tendons, and to prevent leg injuries.

If heel pain is unbearable, the doctor can give painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, either taken or injected into the foot. This drug is intended to eliminate the signs of inflammation, including pain and swelling.

Although this rarely happens, orthopedic doctors can do surgery to treat heel disorders. But keep in mind, this heel surgery requires a long recovery period and can not always eliminate heel pain.
Complications of heel pain

Heel pain can interfere with or hinder movement when walking, walking, or doing daily activities. This condition can change the way patients work. Thus, patients can lose balance, easily fall and suffer injuries.
Prevention of heel pain

The following steps can be taken to prevent injuries that can cause heel pain:

  • Wear shoes with the right size.
  • Wear shoes that are tailored to the type of sport or activity undertaken.
  • Stretch your muscles before exercising.
  • Perform a healthy diet and maintain ideal body weight.
  • Rest when you feel tired or have muscle problems.

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