Understand body temperature and how to measure it

Body temperature is a measure of the body's ability to produce and eliminate heat.

Understanding your body temperature is very important to know the symptoms of your serious illness. Know your normal body temperature and how to measure it. Also find out what abnormal body temperatures are in anticipation of potentially life-threatening conditions.
What is the normal temperature of the human body?

Meanwhile, many people assume that the normal temperature of the human body is 37 ° C. Of course, the normal temperature of the human body is in this range. But in reality, normal body temperature is not always at 37 degrees Celsius. Normal body temperature can be between 36.5 and 37.2 degrees Celsius.

Normal body temperature can change throughout the day. Activities that you do every day can also affect body temperature. In general, temperatures can reach 0.6 degrees Celsius during the daytime. For example, when you exercise in warm weather, your body temperature can rise by 0.6 degrees Celsius.

Normal body temperature can also be different, whether higher or lower, when a woman ovulates or during the menstrual cycle.
Low or high body temperature dangerous?
Low body temperature

Hypothermia can be called low body temperature. Too low body temperature can be life threatening because it slows down the nervous system and causes heart and airway failure and death.

A person is called hypothermia if the body temperature is below 35 degrees Celsius, when the body loses heat faster than it produces. This condition occurs when a person is exposed to cold, such as staying too long in a cold place, not wearing warm clothes in a cold place or falling in very cold water.

Also understand the symptoms of hypothermia. In adults, the symptoms are: shivering, uncertain speech, shortness of breath, slow, and slow awareness. Although the symptoms that occur in infants are cold and red skin.

If it's cold, wear clothes that are thicker and warmer. Keep the body dry. Consumption of sweet hot drinks that do not contain alcohol or caffeine. If you suspect someone with hypothermia, take them to the nearest hospital immediately because it is an emergency.

High body temperature

Hyperthermia is a condition characterized by body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius. Hyperthermia occurs when the body fails to regulate temperature so that the temperature continues to increase. The heat will be felt by people suffering from hypertension.

Fever is different from hyperthermia. A person is said to have a fever when his body temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius and can return to normal temperature when you take anti-calorie medications, such as aspirin or paracetamol. Fever is an increase in body temperature to a level that is fully controlled by the body's temperature regulation system, whereas hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature outside the system's control.

Heat stroke usually develops when a person is in a hot environment and the body cannot cool effectively.

Continuous high body temperature can cause severe dehydration and permanent damage to organs, such as the brain. Therefore, this condition requires immediate medical treatment.

Adults with a body temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius and children with a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius are advised to see a doctor.
How to measure body temperature

Various methods can be used to measure body temperature. You can use various types of thermometers if necessary.
  • Ear thermometer. As the name suggests, this small cone-shaped thermometer is used in the ear. Body temperature visible on a digital screen in seconds.
  • Electronic thermometer. Made of plastic and the edges look like a pencil. This thermometer can be used in the armpit, mouth or rectum (anus). This type is easy to use and read.
  • Front thermometer. This thermometer uses skin temperature to determine body temperature. The use of a thin thermometer is quite attached to the forehead.
  • Temporal artery thermometer. Can be used to measure body temperature on the forehead.
  • Disposable thermometer. This type can be used once in the mouth or rectum. It can also be used to measure temperature continuously for 48 hours on a baby's skin. This thermometer is safe, but not as accurate as an electronic and ear thermometer.
  • Thermometer point. Baby shaped pacifiers. Simply place this thermometer in the baby's mouth when measuring temperature. This thermometer is rather inefficient and effective because it takes a long time to bring up the results, the more results are not as accurate as other types of thermometers.

The cause of the thermometer is not accurate

  • Don't use a thermometer on the right side of the body.
  • Too fast to lift the body thermometer.
  • Thermometer battery is weak or dead.
  • Do not follow instructions to use a good thermometer.
  • Mouth open when taking oral body temperature.
  • Measure body temperature within one hour after intense physical activity or a hot shower.
  • Measuring body temperature orally within 20 minutes after smoking or drinking hot or cold liquids.

Understanding body temperature is very important. Therefore, always have a thermometer in your home as a first step to detect whether the body temperature is normal or abnormal.

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