How to get rid of meat, do it yourself or consult a doctor?

How to get rid of meat, do it yourself or consult a doctor?

Growth of meat and warts is rarely a health risk, even if their presence affects their appearance and comfort. If you are one of those people who are uncomfortable with this disease, you must know how to get rid of meat that grows well.

Because it's not dangerous, meat growth doesn't matter if you leave it. But if it bothers you, you can try a series of steps to get rid of it yourself or with the help of a doctor.

How to get rid of meat produced naturally at home
Many natural ingredients are considered to provide benefits in removing meat that is growing. What is this natural ingredient?

  • Garlic Mix one clove of garlic, then apply to the growing meat and wrap with a bandage overnight. When you wake up in the morning, clean the area.
  • Vitamin E. Regularly apply liquid vitamin E to growing meat, then massage gently. It is said that this step eliminates meat growth within a few days.
  • Banana peel. The trick is to cover the growing flesh with banana peels, wrap it in a bandage and leave it overnight. This step must be done for several days until the meat dries and is released.
  • Apple vinegar. It is thought that the vinegar acid content dries the skin around the growing flesh, so that the meat detaches on its own. You do this by rubbing apple cider vinegar on growing flesh and wrapping it in a bandage. After being left for 15-30 minutes, open the pads and clean the skin thoroughly.
  • Tea tree oil. Use a cotton swab to apply this oil to the growing flesh, then cover with plaster overnight. Do this for several days until the meat dries and detaches on its own.

How to get rid of growing meat with the help of a doctor

If the above natural methods are not effective in removing the growing flesh, you should consult a doctor. The doctor can recommend the following steps:

  • Ligation This technique involves the use of dental floss or dental floss. The doctor will ask you to bind well to the base of the growing stem and stick to the surface of the skin. Then this link will leave it for several days. The link is to kill the flow of blood to the growing flesh, so it dies and dislodges.
  • Freezing (cryotherapy). This procedure usually uses nitorgen fluid to freeze the growing flesh, so the skin tissue dies and falls.
  • Fuel techniques, for example using lasers or other skin care equipment.
  • A small operation to cut growing meat.

Remember that freezing and burning procedures pose a risk of complications. Starting from irritation to skin color changes that are not permanent in the area where the action is done.

The cutting procedure for meat growth also presents a risk of complications in the form of bleeding, identical to other operating procedures.

How do you distinguish between meat growth and warts?

In addition to knowing how to get rid of meat growth, it helps you also be familiar with the difference between meat growth and warts. With this, manipulation can be more precise.

Meat that grows usually appears in the folds of the skin. Small in size, irregular in shape, smooth and smooth surface, and sometimes seen depending on the stick attached to the skin. Excessive meat actually contains collagen fibers that collapse and blood vessels wrapped in the skin.

We are not sure what makes meat grow. But this non-communicable condition is most likely caused by ongoing friction between the surface of the skin. Because the location of his appearance, especially in the skin fold area, such as underarms.

Meanwhile, warts are often regarded as growing meat. But warts are actually different because the growth does not hang on the skin like growing flesh, but in the form of size.

Wart surface also generally looks rough. In addition, warts can be contagious because they are caused by human papillomavirus or HPV.

In people with genetic disorders of epidermodysplasia verruciforme, the presence of HPV infection can cause the growth of large warts that spread on the hands and feet.

By knowing the difference between meat and wart growth, you might be more alert to recognize it. For further certainty, you can consult a doctor about your skin condition. With this, you can get the right way to get rid of growing meat or warts. But you must always be under the supervision of a doctor yes in the process of removing the meat itself because the risk of infection will still be there.

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