How to manage back pain when a young pregnancy is done well

How to manage back pain when a young pregnancy is done well

Pregnancy often has several effects on the physical condition of pregnant women, including back pain. Back pain during young pregnancy is caused by increased production of the chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) hormone by the placenta.

HCG is produced simultaneously and will peak at 18-20 weeks' gestation, then decrease thereafter. If this condition is considered to interfere or interfere with daily activities, the following tips can be used to minimize its effects.

How to deal with back pain when you are young

Even though it's normal, back pain during early pregnancy that blocks your activities should be treated. Here are various ways to deal with back pain during your young pregnancy:

  • Bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting or removing something from the floor.
  • Avoid lifting heavy loads.
  • Avoid turning when you want to turn or turn around. Preferably, turn with leg movements.
  • Use flat shoes for uniform weight distribution.
  • Balance the weight between the two bags when shopping.
  • Keep your back straight in a sitting position, use a soft pillow to make it more comfortable.
  • Enough rest.
  • Massage or hot shower.
  • Use the right mattress or mattress.
  • Take paracetamol if your back pain during a young pregnancy never goes away. With notes, the dosage must be according to doctor's instructions.

In addition to the tips above, some exercises can be done to support the management of back pain during early pregnancy, as mentioned above.
Exercises to get rid of back pain in early pregnancy

Reduction in back pain during pregnancy can also be achieved through exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, such as:

  • Take all fours with your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Make sure the fingers are facing forward. Lift your abdominal muscles to keep your back straight.
  • Pull your abdominal muscles and lift it back to the ceiling (above).
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Make sure your back always returns to a neutral and upright position, so as not to bend.
  • Do this exercise slowly and repeat up to 10 times to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles.
  • For the record, don't lift your back as much as you can, don't overdo it and don't force it.
  • You can also take prenatal or aquanatal yoga classes to strengthen your muscles.

You can also prevent back pain in early pregnancy by monitoring your behavior. It is recommended that you stay upright and not too long in the same position.

If you are an office worker and spend a lot of time sitting in a chair, choose a chair or add a pillow that can support the position of your spine. Move periodically, for example, a short walk to the bathroom or lunch.

An emergency situation in back pain during young pregnancy
Basically, all the tips and exercises above only function to reduce back pain that occurs. Contact medical staff immediately if the pain does not seem to recede or even worsen. Or, if the pain is accompanied by one of the following conditions:

  • Fever, vaginal bleeding or pain when urinating.
  • Back pain occurs in the second or third trimester, which may indicate early work.
  • Numbness in one or both legs, pelvis or around the pubis.
  • Pain in the waist (under the rib cage).

Back pain during early pregnancy is classified as normal as long as it does not interfere with activity or is accompanied by urgency. Remember to always report your complaint during pregnancy to the treating doctor so that proper treatment is given immediately.

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