Large children are at risk of obesity in adulthood

Large children are at risk of obesity in adulthood
Obesity is now an important problem in the world of health. The impact on health problems is huge. Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), joint disease, and cancer. If this happens to children, obesity can also cause other problems that affect the child's quality of life, such as sleep disturbance, impaired leg growth.

In addition, in social life, obesity makes people less confident. Many people compete for diets to maintain ideal body shape.

It is very difficult for a person to regain his ideal weight when he is obese. Therefore, the intervention must really begin while still in childhood. Unfortunately, many parents still think that fat children are adorable, so that the child remains alone and stays fat even as a teenager.

When is obesity called?

Nutritional status is determined by calculating body mass index (BMI), or body mass index (BMI), which uses formula weight in kilograms divided by 2 (height) in meters. It is called fat if the BMI is greater than 25 and obesity if the BMI is greater than 30.

To find out your body mass index, check this IMC calculator or click the link.
Why obesity can occur?
Obesity is caused by an imbalance between the amount of calories consumed and the energy expended by the body. Obesity can also be caused by an inadequate diet, which consists of eating large amounts of food, high in fat, low in carbohydrates, but low in fiber and not rich in vitamins and minerals.

This is also made worse by the lack of physical activity. Other factors such as genetic factors are also considered to play a role in the occurrence of obesity.
Overweight in children can continue into adulthood
Several studies have shown that children and adolescents who are overweight are twice as likely to be obese than adults than children who are not obese like children.

Maintaining an ideal body weight during childhood and adolescence can reduce the risk of obesity in adulthood.
How to prevent obesity?

Unlike adults who can choose food, children and adolescents are more influenced by the environment when choosing food. In children, the main factor responsible for obesity is parents who provide excessive amounts of food. This will cause the process of gaining weight very quickly. Parents play an important role in choosing food to be consumed by children and regulating children's daily physical activity.

Here are some healthy lifestyle habits that are recommended by the Department of Health to prevent obesity:

  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables more than 5 servings a day.
  • Reduce sweet food and drinks.
  • Reduce fatty and fried foods.
  • Get used to breakfast and bring lunch to school.
  • Get used to eating with your family at least once a day.
  • Eat according to the time.
  • Limit yourself to watching TV, playing computer or game console / playstation within 2 hours a day.
  • Does not provide television in children's rooms.
  • Increase physical activity at least one hour a day.

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