The use of omega fatty acids as nutritional supplements

In the body, fatty acids play an energy role for muscles, heart and other organs. Fatty acids can also be used as energy storage. There are various types of fatty acids. One of them is omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of essential fatty acids that the body needs to metabolize. Unfortunately, these fatty acids are not produced by the body, so we have to extract them from food. In addition to omega 3 fatty acids, there are also omega 6 fatty acids and omega 9 fatty acids. These three fatty acids have different but equally important functions.

The use of omega fatty acids as nutritional supplements
Natural source of omega fatty acids

Food sources of omega fatty acids vary by type. Omega-3 fatty acids are found mainly in various types of oils, such as fish oil, vegetable oil, canola oil and flaxseed oil. In addition, omega 3 acids can also be found in various types of fish such as sardines, salmon, catfish and tuna. There are also other types of food such as shrimp, shellfish and spinach that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Meanwhile, omega 6 fatty acids can be found in soybean, sunflower oil, palm oil, cottonseed oil and agung.

Finally, omega-9 fatty acids. This fatty acid is contained in olive oil and animal oil. This type of omega-9 fatty acid is considered the most important compared to the other two types of omega fatty acids.
Get to know the function of omega fatty acids
Each omega fatty acid has a different function. Overall, the role of omega-3 fatty acids is to improve heart health, brain and metabolism. However, omega-3 fatty acids are divided into three types, each of which has an important function for the body, namely:

  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays a role in brain development and allows it to function normally.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), its effect on the body is to help reduce inflammation and reduce depression.
  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), used as energy. ALA can also be changed to DHA or EPA.

Meanwhile, omega 6 fatty acids function as energy sources and help treat chronic symptoms. These fatty acids play a role in strengthening the immune system, as long as it is consumed in sufficient quantities. If you consume too much, it will cause inflammation or inflammation.

In addition to omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, there are also omega-9 fatty acids. Compared to the other two omega fatty acids, omega-9 fatty acids are considered the most important and can be produced by the body. However, diabetics who regularly consume omega-9 fatty acids can reduce triglyceride levels by 19% and cholesterol by 22%.

Benefits of consuming omega fatty acids

Many benefits of consuming omega fatty acids, especially for health. It is known that omega-3 fatty acids can prevent certain health problems, such as dementia or decreased brain function in the elderly (elderly). Omega-3 fatty acids will help improve memory in the elderly.

For babies, there are at least two benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce asthma symptoms and help the baby's brain development.

Consuming omega-3 fatty acids has many benefits that can help you overcome health problems or help the healing process, such as:

  • Helps reduce waist circumference and maintain weight
  • Reduce the risk of chronic diseases because they are anti-inflammatory.
  • Reduce the amount of liver fat.
  • Increase bone density
  • Nourish the heart by increasing HDL or good cholesterol, reducing plaque formation in arteries, blood pressure and triglycerides.

Reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression.

One type of omega-6 fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, a study shows that consumption of GLA can increase the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment.

Omega-6 fatty acids in another form, namely conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), are known to effectively reduce body fat in one study.

In addition, according to one study, consumption of omega-9 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and increase insulin sensitivity.
Although many benefits are considered, but consumption of omega fatty acid supplements, don't overdo it. The recommended amount of omega-6 fatty acid intake does not exceed 4 times the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Some health risks associated with consuming excessive supplements include: giving the body a fishy odor, increasing levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing the risk of bleeding. For those who have had a heart transplant, it is possible to affect the heart rate. For that consumption of supplements should always be according to doctor's recommendations.

In addition to supplements, omega fatty acids derived from several types of fish also need to be considered because they pose a risk of mercury poisoning.

For health benefits, be sure to include foods containing omega fatty acids in your daily menu. Pay attention to package labels and recommended dosages. If you have certain health problems, consult your doctor before taking this supplement.

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