These are the factors that cause burns and also know their origin

These are the factors that cause burns and also know their origin

Ovum or anembrionic pregnancy is a condition of pregnancy in which the embryo cannot develop after fertilization. Anembrionic pregnancy always ends in miscarriage. This condition is even a major cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy.

Causes of eggs or anembrionic pregnancy

A common cause of bleached eggs is genetics. This is caused by defects in poor quality sperm or egg chromosomes, as well as abnormal cell division. Chromosome defects referred to here are too many or too few chromosomes.

One study showed that Trisomy 16 can cause rusted eggs, where an empty pregnancy bag develops. At the same time, another trisomy can cause embryonic death in early pregnancy. In addition, abnormalities on chromosome 9 will also be responsible for the formation of burned eggs.

Bleached eggs can occur early, even if you don't know about your pregnancy. This condition cannot be prevented and only occurs once in the majority of women who suffer from it.

After having rusted eggs, women will generally have a healthy pregnancy during the next pregnancy.

The process of rusting eggs or anembrionic pregnancy

The occurrence of eggs or anembrionic pregnancy begins with eggs that are successfully fertilized with sperm and attached to the uterine wall. However, the egg or sperm has a chromosomal defect.

During a normal pregnancy, the number of chromosomes must be 46 (23 sperm and 23 egg cells). However, the low quality of sperm or egg and the occurrence of abnormal division makes the number of chromosomes more or less important, so the egg has a burn.

In addition, eggs develop into pregnancy sacs, but no embryos are formed. On the other hand, the placenta can develop and settle without a fetus for a while. This causes the pregnancy hormone continues to increase. At first you will experience signs of normal pregnancy, such as:

  • Stop menstruation
  • Positive pregnancy test
  • Increased pregnancy hormones
  • Breast pain

In addition, the body recognizes the presence of abnormal chromosomes. Of course, the body does not continue the pregnancy because there is no developing fetus. As a result, anembrionic pregnancy miscarriage occurs which is characterized by:

  • Spotting or bleeding in the vagina
  • Stomach cramps
  • Breasts no longer hurt
  • Severe menstruation after miscarriage

You can wait for a miscarriage to occur naturally, which can take about two weeks or with medical help. But keep in mind, not all bleeding that occurs early in pregnancy is a sign of miscarriage from an empty pregnancy. Further examination by a doctor is highly recommended to determine the cause.

Before the anembryonic pregnancy tissue disappears completely, you will continue to get positive results during the pregnancy test. Therefore, you must eliminate the remaining pregnancy tissue to avoid the risk of dangerous residual pregnancy tissue.

Rotten egg diagnosis

Leaf rot eggs usually occur between the 8th and 13th week of gestational age. During this pregnancy, a test package using urine will show positive results of a weak pink.

The only sure way to find anembroid pregnancy is to do an ultrasound. This examination can show the state of the placenta and embryo.

The doctor will not show any embryo in the pregnancy pocket. It can be concluded that pregnancy is an empty pregnancy. In addition, you can also carry out genetic testing to determine chromosomal defects responsible for the formation of burning eggs.

Pregnancy is a very important moment in a woman's life. You certainly don't want to fail, let alone having a rusted egg or anembrionic pregnancy.

During pregnancy, try to see a doctor and check your pregnancy regularly. The goal is to ensure the condition of the uterus and detect as soon as possible the risks that can occur in your uterus.

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