This is the cause of an untimely birth that you might not achieve!

This is the cause of an untimely birth that you might not achieve!

Premature births or babies born earlier can occur during several pregnancies. If he is born before 37 weeks' gestation, your baby is premature.

Premature babies born before the 23rd week of pregnancy usually cannot survive. Meanwhile, premature babies born after the 28th week of pregnancy have a high survival rate of up to 90%.

Causes of premature birth in infants

Premature babies have more medical complications. This complication can vary. The earlier the baby is born, the higher the risk of complications. So, what causes premature babies?

In fact, the causes of premature infants cannot be identified. However, several factors can increase the risk of preterm birth. The following risk factors.

1. preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition that can cause high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine during pregnancy. If left untreated, preeclampsia can cause premature birth.

2. Cervix and uterus are abnormal

The abnormal shape of the uterus or cervix that opens before the proper time of birth can cause earlier contractions. This certainly can cause babies born prematurely.

3. Family history of premature babies

Family history and genes have an influence on preterm birth. If a family member, including you, has a family history of premature births, this can affect your work later.

4. age

Age can affect your chances of giving birth to a premature baby. A teenage mother under the age of 17 is most likely to give birth to a premature baby.

In addition, if you are 35 or older, you might also have a premature baby. The risk also increases if you are 40 years or older.

5. Some infections

Vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis or other infections, can increase the risk of preterm birth.
6. hypertension

If your blood pressure is above 140/90 mmHg, then you have high blood pressure. This condition of high blood pressure affects the growth of the baby, which can cause premature birth.
7. diabetes

About 5 to 10% of pregnant women suffer from gestational diabetes. This condition puts you at risk of giving birth to a premature baby.

8. twin pregnancy

If you have twins, your chances of giving birth are premature. About 60% of twins and 90% of triplets are usually born prematurely.
9. abortion

If you have an abortion during a previous pregnancy, you run the risk of having a premature baby during the next pregnancy. The risk increases if you become pregnant within six months after an abortion.

10. miscarriage
If you have had a miscarriage in a previous pregnancy, you may have premature labor. The risk also increases if a miscarriage occurs late in pregnancy.

11. Alcohol consumption and smoking
Consuming alcohol and smoking can cause premature birth. Not only active smokers, but passive smokers are also dangerous for pregnancy. In addition, this habit can also cause various other complications, such as placental problems or even infant death.

Check the uterus regularly with a doctor, especially if you are at risk of giving birth to a premature baby. Consult your doctor about this. Then the doctor will monitor your health and the fetus.

Always take care of your health and your content. You don't need to stress because that will only make the situation worse. In addition, improve nutrition during pregnancy, so that your content remains strong and avoids various problems.

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