Weighing the Risk of Breast Implants

The existence of breasts is one of the characteristics of a woman's body. Unfortunately, like age, often parts of the body are no longer as beautiful as the first. This condition is that some women have breast implants to improve appearance. But the real risk of breast implants?

In general, there are two reasons why breast implant surgery is performed, reconstruction and aesthetic reasons. Breast reconstruction is generally done after removal of the breast due to diseases such as breast cancer. While breast implants for cosmetic reasons, are generally intended to improve appearance by firming or breast enlargement.

Weighing the Risk of Breast Implants
types of implants and complications that may arise from the contract

Specifically, there are two types of breast augmentation with silicone mounting methods to choose from, namely silicone and silicone implant injections. Differences exist in the form of material incorporated and how to integrate this material. The material used in the form of silicone gel implants, while the basic ingredients of silicone are injectable liquids.

In the silicone implant installation procedure, silicone gel is inserted into the breast by dissecting the surrounding area of ​​the breast, and the gel is placed at or below the chest muscle. Unlike silicone implants are considered safe, silicone injections are not recommended because they can pose health risks.

Breast implants are of two types, namely salt and silicone. Saline implants are implants consisting of silicone bags containing sterile salt water. Although silicone implants consist of silicone bags filled with sticky silicone gel, it's almost like human fat. Salt breast implants should only be done on patients aged 18 years and over, while for the type of silicone which is at least 22 years old.

Although safer than silicone injections, both types of implants are still possible to cause a number of complications, including:

  • breast pain.
  • Infection.
  • Changes in breast and nipple sensitivity.
  • Healing the implant position immediately.
  • implant rupture or leakage.

breast implant process

Before breast implants are performed, the patient will be anesthetized to fall asleep and feel no pain. In addition, patients will be asked to stop using certain types of drugs.

In addition, the doctor makes incisions in the chest, arms and around the nipple. How many incisions, depending on the type of implant, body shape, and how much changes are made to the breast.

The implant is then placed in the upper pocket or under the chest muscle. After completion, the surgeon then closes the incision. Breast implant surgery usually lasts for 1-2 hours.

After surgery, it will cover the patient's chest with gauze. In this condition, the patient will experience breast swelling for a while and have scar tissue. However, this swelling will subside and scar tissue will disappear.

During the recovery period, patients need a special bra to support the breasts. In addition, patients are not allowed to lift heavy loads for about six weeks after surgery to remain safe.

Breast implant procedures require periodic maintenance. MRI must be done within three years after implantation. This step aims to anticipate if implant damage.

If you already have a breast implant, it is possible that you will have to do surgery to replace the implant, especially for complications or changes in the shape and size of the breast. As long as the implant is implanted, the greater the risk of complications that may occur.

Calculated with Mature

Before breast implants, you must carefully consider the risks to health. Although rare, breast implants can cause cancer that attacks cells from the immune system. This condition is very dangerous to control cancer with a mammogram more difficult to do in the presence of breast implants.

If you plan to breastfeed your child later, you should reconsider your plan for making breast implants. Some people have breast implants, but other breastfeeding has failed. So far, it is not yet known exactly how many breast implants can affect the state of breast milk.

In addition, medical costs must also be considered. The cost of breast implants is relatively expensive and most likely not covered by health insurance, especially if it is done for cosmetic purposes. In addition to funding breast implants, you also need to think about ongoing financial operations and other tests. Consult with a plastic surgeon to get an overview of the procedure and their benefits and risks.

For those who have breast implants, it is important to have regular checkups as recommended by your doctor. The slightest change must immediately consult a doctor to avoid dangerous risks. Do not let your dream to have a beautiful body shape fail to materialize, or actually cause health problems, because the calculations are less mature

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