Maintain this mental health after a heart attack is diagnosed

Maintain this mental health after a heart attack is diagnosed
Receiving a diagnosis of heart disease, it will bring changes in life. Aside from the heart disease itself, such as a heart attack, mental health must receive more attention. Why? Because of this, the diagnosis can tear mental health, which leads to depression.

The relationship between mental health with heart disease is very close indeed. Depression can be a risk factor for heart disease. You may experience symptoms of anxiety and depression when attacked by disorders in the body.

To do this, because a heart attack is a mental health case

mental disorders, such as fear, anxiety, loneliness, anger, depression can worsen your post-diagnosis. You can't have the mind to take recovery steps, even take medicine, for others it seems easy.

There are several ways you can do to keep your mental condition stable, after a diagnosis of a heart attack.

Contact the closest relatives

Emotional support from friends and family, can help you deal with emotions, such as anxiety. Calling and talking to them also reduces the loneliness you experience.


You can try positive self-talk, to overcome fear. For example, by convincing you that you can recover from others. Monologues are a powerful way to reduce negative emotions in you.

Get enough exercise

Sports activities, if done sufficiently, can help the body release endorphins. This hormone can make you feel better and happier. Exercise at least five days a week, with part of 30 minutes every day.

Do things you like

day life by doing what you like. For example, listening to favorite music, which can calm down.


After suffering a heart attack, your body will crave rest. Therefore, adequate rest, to help recovery.

Live a healthy diet

Eat healthy and nutritious foods that are high. You should also pay attention to foods that should be avoided if you have a heart attack. For example, fast food, ice cream, fried food, or food in a box.

Beware of bad habits

Don't look for an escape to a negative mental state. You feel like drinking alcohol, smoking and taking sleeping pills. Just stay away from these unhealthy habits.
Consult your doctor again after a heart attack

If you think that mental health is deteriorating, even if you have to apply the methods above, you need to re-consult with your doctor for further treatment. Contact a doctor immediately if you experience the following conditions:

  • Hear the source's voice unclear
  • Showing at least three symptoms of depression. Symptoms of depression can include difficulty sleeping or even sleeping too often, feeling worthless, feeling hopeless, losing weight, because it is difficult to eat, no desire to make it unpopular, difficult to focus, thoughts of suicide will come.
  • Excessive crying often.
  • Feel the medicine you drink is pathetic. Don't stop taking your heart attack without consulting a doctor.

However, sadness suffered a normal heart attack. However, anxiety if you feel that ultimately interfere with the process of restoring your health, immediately consult a doctor.

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